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  1. #1
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    X-Marks tartan to the White Stripe?

    Has anybody made a kilt with the X-Marks tartan pleated to the white stripe? I'm kinda toying with the idea. I was trying to avoid the horizontal white stripe being so prominent, and I liked the idea that the blue would flash as I walked. I've seen this tartan pleated to the yellow, the blue, the gray, the "no-stripe" and the sett, but not to the white. Have I been out in the sun too long? Is this not a good idea and I just don't see it? Thoughts and opinions, please, and if anyone has pictures of such a beast I would love to see it>
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  2. #2
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    I have thought about it..

  3. #3
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    I think that the issue has been that the white stripe is awfully wide.

    Now, if I remember rightly, I pleated Tim C's box pleat X Marks to the white stripe.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan H View Post
    I think that the issue has been that the white stripe is awfully wide.

    Now, if I remember rightly, I pleated Tim C's box pleat X Marks to the white stripe.
    The wide white stripe should look great topping a box pleat...
    If you have a photo, please post it.


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  5. #5
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    My lovely Flame-Haired Celtic Amazon Goddess has a whopping 12 yards of the double wide XMTS tartan and intends to make kilts for the entire family each one pleated differently.

    Being as I already have a 16 oz. version in military box pleats to the subtle yellow stripe I chose pleated to the white stripe.

    Sadly being I already have an XMTS kilt mine will be the last one she makes.

    So if you are patient I can post pictures

    But it might take a while!


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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ancienne Alliance View Post
    The wide white stripe should look great topping a box pleat...

    I agree and wish I had some fabric to do a test pinning to be sure, but I'm pretty sure in a box pleat the white stripe would look good.

    I'm sure some of our kiltmakers here will chime in with their opinions, but you could always PM some of them and see what they think. I'm sure at least of few of them have made an X Marks kilt or two.

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