21st June 09, 03:15 PM
Bambi, Thumper & Flower
Why is it OK on X-Marks to discuss ones sexual proclivities, but not OK to discuss such traditional Kilted activites as hunting and shooting?
We didn't even talk about killing small fuzzy aniimals, but sporran discussions frequently discuss how to dismember Bambi, Thumper & Flower and turn them into kilt accessories.
God Help Me - I can say "God" can't I - this forum frequently makes no sense at all.
Last edited by Colonel MacNeal; 21st June 09 at 03:22 PM.
Reason: clarify
21st June 09, 03:28 PM
mmmm, Bambi burgers and chips...(gurgling hunger noises)
21st June 09, 03:43 PM
by 'sexual proclivities' do you mean sexuality? I honestly can't say I've come across any threads discussing sexuality. Feel free to correct me. People's sexuality might occasionally be inferred when partners are referred to, or Gay Pride events, but I can't see why anyone would object to that.
Hunting and shooting, apart from anything else, inevitably involve weapons. A blanket ban on discussing weapons seems sensible to me. I agree a slight double standard arises when it comes to skins, furs and sporranmaking, but I don't see how sexuality relates to blood sports.
21st June 09, 03:51 PM
 Originally Posted by Joseph McLaren
by 'sexual proclivities' do you mean sexuality? I honestly can't say I've come across any threads discussing sexuality. Feel free to correct me. People's sexuality might occasionally be inferred when partners are referred to, or Gay Pride events, but I can't see why anyone would object to that.
Hunting and shooting, apart from anything else, inevitably involve weapons. A blanket ban on discussing weapons seems sensible to me. I agree a slight double standard arises when it comes to skins, furs and sporranmaking, but I don't see how sexuality relates to blood sports.
I don't object to it. Someone can post that they like making love while wearing a Richard Nixon mask, and it wouldn't bother me in the slightest. I simply object to the blind enforcement of blanket rules, where they don't even apply. The post in question was about traditional kilted hunting and shooting activities, which I believe was within the rules.
21st June 09, 04:01 PM
 Originally Posted by Colonel MacNeal
I don't object to it. Someone can post that they like making love while wearing a Richard Nixon mask, and it wouldn't bother me in the slightest.
inferring one's sexuality where it affects aspects of your daily life or your cultural influences is not the same as describing a sexual act. If someone mentioned to me in person that they 'liked making love while wearing a Richard Nixon mask' I wouldn't be bothered, but if they posted about it on a family-friendly forum, I would be.
I object to the idea those of other sexualities making reference to their partners or their cultural milieu constitutes 'shoving it down your throat'.
21st June 09, 04:07 PM
 Originally Posted by Joseph McLaren
inferring one's sexuality where it affects aspects of your daily life or your cultural influences is not the same as describing a sexual act. If someone mentioned to me in person that they 'liked making love while wearing a Richard Nixon mask' I wouldn't be bothered, but if they posted about it on a family-friendly forum, I would be.
I object to the idea those of other sexualities making reference to their partners or their cultural milieu constitutes 'shoving it down your throat'.
Your words, not mine. You assume too much.
21st June 09, 04:16 PM
If anyone has sex with a Richard Nixon Face mask on, can I have your phone number please.
21st June 09, 04:13 PM
 Originally Posted by Colonel MacNeal
I don't object to it. Someone can post that they like making love while wearing a Richard Nixon mask, and it wouldn't bother me in the slightest. I simply object to the blind enforcement of blanket rules, where they don't even apply. The post in question was about traditional kilted hunting and shooting activities, which I believe was within the rules.
I certainly hope you've taken up your concern about that post with the mods directly.
There is an enormous difference between people identifying themselves regarding sexual orientation and people discussing their sexual behavior. As far as I know, the latter has never taken place on this forum. I certainly wouldn't welcome it and wouldn't participate in a forum where it was commonplace or, for that matter, allowed.
If you follow this reasoning, then it might make sense why it would be okay to identify yourself as a hunter, but discussing your weapons and their use in detail would not be okay. Or you might identify your religion, but draw the line at discussing the details of your beliefs. The first lets us know who you are, the second asks us to participate to some small degree in what you like and what you believe. I think the intention on this forum is to reserve that level of detail for things directly related to kilts and that does make sense to me.
21st June 09, 04:15 PM
 Originally Posted by KFCarter
I certainly hope you've taken up your concern about that post with the mods directly.
There is an enormous difference between people identifying themselves regarding sexual orientation and people discussing their sexual behavior. As far as I know, the latter has never taken place on this forum. I certainly wouldn't welcome it and wouldn't participate in a forum where it was commonplace or, for that matter, allowed.
If you follow this reasoning, then it might make sense why it would be okay to identify yourself as a hunter, but discussing your weapons and their use in detail would not be okay. Or you might identify your religion, but draw the line at discussing the details of your beliefs. The first lets us know who you are, the second asks us to participate to some small degree in what you like and what you believe. I think the intention on this forum is to reserve that level of detail for things directly related to kilts and that does make sense to me.
that's what I was trying, inelegantly, to express.
21st June 09, 04:37 PM
May I offer an observation from one who has been a long time member of this board?
Some topics turn toxic no matter what the intention of the original post or poster was, with those topics, based on past experiences, it is just best to shut them down before it turns extremely ugly. It can suck but as you've seen with other topics, we humans like to stick our feet in our mouth's all the time and sadly there are times when the brutal broad hammer approach is better than a surgical weeding of inappropriate discussion.
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