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  1. #1
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    Brand new - engaged - and needing a little kilt advice (just kilt advice for now)

    I'm sorry to start a new thread with this question but it seems like I'm getting a pretty late start and my fiance is likely to stab me if I mess this up (she's a redhead). Also, it would kill me to let her down. We are getting married at the end of Sept. and we would very much prefer that the men in the wedding party be clad in kilts. As for myself, I'd like to purchase a whole argyll outfit and I know my best man and my father will want to do the same thing. Everyone else would be a rental (5 remaining gentlemen who would need argyll rentals). If I'm being completely honest with myself, I'd say I've been interested in taking the plunge into kilt wearing much longer than I've been interested in taking the plunge into marriage - not that proposing was an excuse. Can some of you dedicated experts refer me to some reputable vendors that can do both rentals and quality full argyll outfits in that time frame (3 months)? We live in central VA and will be getting married here. Thanks very much for your help.
    Last edited by M_A_C; 24th June 09 at 06:04 PM.

  2. #2
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    from AZ. congratulations on your upcoming wedding. I can't help answer your questions directly, but I am sure that some of the rabble from your area will be along shortly. I know that USA Kilts can get you set in a relatively short time, but you'll have to pay a little extra for the rush. All the best. (And you might be thinking Prince Charlie instead of Argyll, since you are the groom.) All the best.

  3. #3
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    3 months is a pretty tight squeeze. My first recommendation, if you're looking for an Argyll kit, would be USA Kilts.

  4. #4
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    MAC From Toronto Ontario Canada

    A few ideas for you, first take a look at the Scottish Tartan Museum they do rentals. MAC Newsome at the Museum is a member here and also makes kilts his wait list I fear is far too long for you to get one. You could also take a look at USAKilts they are having a sale on their Argyll Jackets and vests. They could also get you the kilts in time if I'm not mistaken.

  5. #5
    M. A. C. Newsome is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by McMurdo View Post
    MAC From Toronto Ontario Canada

    A few ideas for you, first take a look at the Scottish Tartan Museum they do rentals. MAC Newsome at the Museum is a member here and also makes kilts his wait list I fear is far too long for you to get one. You could also take a look at USAKilts they are having a sale on their Argyll Jackets and vests. They could also get you the kilts in time if I'm not mistaken.
    Just to clarify what McMurdo says, the wait time on my kilts is fairly long -- but that only applies to the kils I make for the museum, which are the four yard box pleated kilts. The reason for the long wait time is because I make all those myself and I can only do one at a time! So the wait time is dependant upon how many orders are ahead of yours.

    However, we also sell standard gentlemen's 8 yard kilts as well as casual kilts, and the turnaround time on those is typically 8 to 10 weeks (sometimes faster if we are given notice of a deadline).

    So as long as you don't want one of my four yard box pleated kilts, we should be able to provide your kilt in that time frame. We also rent formal outfits.

    Here's a direct link to our giftshop catalog, if you are interested in seeing what we have to offer.

  6. #6
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    You, your father, and your best man can probably get custom made kilts and Argylls made within that time frame from any of a variety of retail vendors---Scotweb, JHiggins, are two that pop to the top of my head as doing good custom work and having enough labor to complete the multiple items on the one order in atimely fashion. The other benefit of all three ordered from the same shop is they will all be virtually identical in fabric color and sheen, and even accessories if you so choose to go that route.

    The groomsmen will obviously have to do rentals, and I would search the net for somebody in your area that might do kilt rentals---there are a number of places in the US that do it, but by no means are they as readily available as they are in the UK, where they are like tux shops are here. One problem is your choice of tartan, which you have not stated. The custom kilts would only be a problem if you picked a non stock tartan and had to have it custom woven----takes several extra weeks for that before they can start to make the kilts. The groomsmen will have to wear whatever choice of tartans is available from the rental place, which often is only about 3-6 generic tartans, like Black watch, Royal Stewart, Pride of Scotland, etc... you may have some tartan clash between the three custom tartan kilts and the rentals on the groomsmen.

    Also don't forget to take into account the color pattern the bridesmaids will be wearing (I assume the bride will be wearing white, and if any tartan it would be the same as yours).

    hope this helps.

    come back in a couple months and we can start another thread about marrital advice.

  7. #7
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    Contact Matt Newsom at the National Tartans Museum. They can handle both the sell and rental. You will see their link across the banner with the other vendors. I'm sure there are other companys, but I know you will get quality help and products with them

  8. #8
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    from Charlotte, NC

  9. #9
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    Welcome to the forum. Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials. Since I live on the West Coast, I'll let the gentlemen in your area advise you on rental places.
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    Topic removed.
    Last edited by Lady M; 13th July 09 at 03:57 PM.

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