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Thread: My morning walk

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  1. #1
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    My morning walk

    This morning while walking my two dogs I noticed something that I find very interesting. On my MP3 player I have quite a bit of Irish/Scottish music. Most days I just put on something upbeat and get a good 30 minute walk in before I start my day. Today I was focused on bagpipe music. I realized that when a bagpipe tune is playing, I get into an almost trance like state. My arms and legs are in perfect harmony with the music. My walking is effortless. My mind is completely clear of any negative thoughts. It's not until the piece ends that I even notice the effect the music has had on me. But I don't get this effect during my evening walk. Seems kind of odd too me. In the evening my music tends to be classical music. And more specific than that it tends to be flute oriented. My daughter is a flute major and has introduced me to all kinds of flute music so that might have something to do with it.

    I'm not really sure where this is going. It's mostly just me rambling. But has anyone else had this kind of experience? I doubt that the effect the bagpipe and flute music has on me is entirely accidental. I'm sure there's some good reasons for it.

    I'd like to hear about your thoughts!!!!

  2. #2
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    I know that bagpipes are my preferred "working out" music - specifically Wicked Tinkers. I always feel like I can go longer and faster when I'm listening to them.

  3. #3
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    Music is a marvelous charm that can cause/influence all kinds of behavior. Some tunes bring tears some make us want to get up and dance, while othes make us want to fix bayonets and charge a redoubt. I think it's because music works on certain areas of the brain that stimulate mood, but I'm no expert in that area.
    By Choice, not by Birth

  4. #4
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    Thumbs up

    I always play my Pipe CD's when faced with long drives in me car, like up to Grand Father Mountain. They while away the long hours for me and I don't seem to tire out as quickly.
    I don't believe the idea is to arrive in heaven in a well preserved body! But to slide in side ways,Kilt A' Fly'n! Scream'en "Mon Wha A Ride" Kilted Santas
    4th Laird of Lochaber, Knights of St Andrew,Knight of The Double Eagle
    Clan Seton,House of Gordon,Clan Claus,Semper Fedilas

  5. #5
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    Where can I start? Any good albums on iTunes I should download for a nice pipe set?
    A proud Great-Great Grandson of the Clan MacLellan from Kirkcudbright.

    "Think On!"

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    I personally think it has something to do with the drone tones being so constant and unwavering, with the melody then dancing over top of them. The drones are very calming undertones and then the melody is what gets into your head more distinctly, whether slow or fast.

    To me the drones are calming like the constant background grey noise of living by the ocean.

  7. #7
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    When I am working I like to listen to a variety of Irish/Scot music.. Barleyjuice, Shileleagh Law, Braggards, The Rogues, The Pogues, Dropkick Murphys, Old Blind Dogs, Chieftains, Young Dubliners, Dubliners, and a variety of other styles of music... I keep the music low so it's almost subconcious listening... And I concentrate on my work... While getting that mental stress free experience.
    “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.”
    – Robert Louis Stevenson

  8. #8
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    I don't want to turn this discussion morbid...but felt the need to chime in as this thread is about the impact of bagpipe music on a person. 2 hours ago I attended a memorial service for one of our fallen soldiers here in Afghanistan. Unfortunately, they are an all too common occurrence these days...in the past 3-4 months my Brigade has lost about 20-25 Soldiers (I'm trying not to count). Anyways...to get to my point, I was leaving the service with my Sergeant and one of our Lieutenants and the Lieutenant made the comment that "there should be a rule that they are only allowed to play that song once. That way I would not have to stand there for 45 mins straight, crying!" What she was referrring to was the fact that after they conducted final roll call, the 21 gun salute and taps, they put on Amazing Grace played on the bagpipes while all present waited their turn to approach the boots, downturned rifle and helmet and pay their final respects to this brave young Soldier. She definitely had a valid point!!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by longhuntr74 View Post
    I don't want to turn this discussion morbid...but felt the need to chime in as this thread is about the impact of bagpipe music on a person. 2 hours ago I attended a memorial service for one of our fallen soldiers here in Afghanistan. Unfortunately, they are an all too common occurrence these days...in the past 3-4 months my Brigade has lost about 20-25 Soldiers (I'm trying not to count). Anyways...to get to my point, I was leaving the service with my Sergeant and one of our Lieutenants and the Lieutenant made the comment that "there should be a rule that they are only allowed to play that song once. That way I would not have to stand there for 45 mins straight, crying!" What she was referrring to was the fact that after they conducted final roll call, the 21 gun salute and taps, they put on Amazing Grace played on the bagpipes while all present waited their turn to approach the boots, downturned rifle and helmet and pay their final respects to this brave young Soldier. She definitely had a valid point!!
    OMG! I hate that tune."Flowers of the Forest, or "Lord Lovats Lament"are much better tunes imho. Or "Going Home". "Amazing Grace" seems to get played any time a piper or two get together.
    By Choice, not by Birth

  10. #10
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    I like to listen to pipe music on my way to work as a way to keep from thinking of work. Anyone who knows funlvnman can only imagine him march with a big grin on his face while listening to the pipes.

    Great call on the Wicked Tinkers. Caught some Youtube videos and will have to get some of their music.

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