17th August 09, 03:45 AM
Utopian world.
Well there I was sat by the river,it was not raining, not too hot, no midgies, the river is full of fresh run salmon(thank goodness!), plenty of water in the river, and I was watching my three sons casting a fair line and with every chance of them catching a fish or two in very pleasant surroundings. What could be better? For me? Not much really, I would like to have a go at fishing again, one day.
Any way the thought came to me," where else in the world would I want to be?" For me the fishing, shooting, scenery and company are a must, so where? New Zealand, parts of Canada----not too keen on the winters though, parts of the USA----the heat----the cold, Chile---- great trout fishing, I know nothing about their weather though, Norway---winters again! Where, oh where would it be?
So where would you live, on this planet, in your utopia?
17th August 09, 04:04 AM
You've convinced me, Jock the perfect place I would want to be is right next to you!
17th August 09, 04:16 AM
Oh give me a home where the buffalo roam...
I've always thought of Utopia as a state of mind, Jock, and unfortunatly it comes in short moments like you described. Or perhaps that's the only way you can know utopias: as a break of niceness from the ongoing irritations.
Last edited by Bugbear; 17th August 09 at 04:59 AM.
I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…
17th August 09, 04:31 AM
Jock, I have wrestled with 'the question' for many years. I have come to the conclusion that there is no one best place.
Spend 2 months in Alaska fishing cold fresh water, and one gets the crave for a tarpon in warm shallow salt. Shoot perdiz in Uruguay, then yearn for harder shots on bobwhites (and hot fresh biscuits, grits, and fried quail) in Georgia.
The yearn for travel, wandering, and visiting lets one sample these delights. There is no substitute.
17th August 09, 05:13 AM
When God created Eden, he called it Argyll.
Nuff said
19th August 09, 12:06 PM
 Originally Posted by Redshank
When God created Eden, he called it Argyll.
Nuff said
I didn't know Florida used to be called Argyll! 
As long as it's warm, hot, humid, and not cold, I don't mind it.
But, nothing compares to right here at home.
24th August 09, 02:46 PM
 Originally Posted by Redshank
When God created Eden, he called it Argyll.
Nuff said
And then someone opened the window & let the midges in
It's where I chose to make my home, and I wouldn't be anywhere else, but kilted evenings May-July are best spent in a windy spot
17th August 09, 09:11 AM
 Originally Posted by tyger
Jock, I have wrestled with 'the question' for many years. I have come to the conclusion that there is no one best place.
I agree. There are so many wonderful places in the world. I like where I am the best, though, here in the Pacific Southwest, and will never move away. Also, almost all my family lives nearby, which makes it even better.
"Touch not the cat bot a glove."
17th August 09, 04:29 AM
Wisconsin is great, but the Pacific Northwest of the US is my kind of climate. Oh, and the Canadian Maritimes would be great, too.
17th August 09, 05:13 AM
Jock - that is a most difficult question for me to answer. I've lived in New Zealand, the UK (2x), South Africa, France and the USA. In the US I've lived in California, Illinois and North Carolina. And my job took me all over the world.
Everywhere I have lived I have always found something that is special to that place whether it's trout fishing in NZ, history and heritage in the UK, the scenery and weather in the Cape, the wines and cheeses of France. Utopia for me would be that one place that combines all of these but reality is that this probably does not exist (although NZ comes close).
So my utopia is where I am, and what I make of the place that makes it unique to me.
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