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  1. #1
    Join Date
    9th February 08
    D/FW Texas area
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    Exclamation New D/FW TX Session (McSwiggan's in The Colony)

    I just received an email telling about a new Open Session in the D/FW TX area. I think this will be their first one there, so I have no idea how it is or how the pub is. I'm not sure if I'll be going, but I wanted to post about it in case someone here wanted to check it out.

    The session goes from 7pm-midnight (if they're anything like some of the usual sessions I've been to, it might be a slow start as people show up and get settled in), on Friday.

    Here is the pub's website for the address and directions:
    http://www.cfgriffith.com/ - Learning to sew (historical costuming), and getting back to art by drawing fan art of Middle Earth dwarves.
    | D/FW TX Social Group | The Ladies of XMTS |

  2. #2
    Join Date
    7th July 06
    Roswell, Georgia USA
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    Unusual to have a session on Friday, as many musicians have weekend gigs. The ones I go to are on Monday, wednesday, and e/o Sunday.
    Convener, Georgia Chapter, House of Gordon (Boss H.O.G.)

    Where 4 Scotsmen gather there'll usually be a fifth.
    7/5 of the world's population have a difficult time with fractions.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    9th February 08
    D/FW Texas area
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    It's an open session so many of them are probably also hobbyists without gigs. There are weekend sessions in Dallas (I think one is open and the other is invite only), and one on Tuesday in Arlington. Not sure of how many others might be in the area since they're all pretty much a bit of a distance from where I live, sadly. It might just be that this place only had a spot open for it on that day... I haven't spoken to any of my friends to see what they've heard about it (or if they're going... they tend to do the Trinity Hall/Dallas and J Gilligan's/Arlington sessions). I'm curious to hear how it is and how it goes over time.
    http://www.cfgriffith.com/ - Learning to sew (historical costuming), and getting back to art by drawing fan art of Middle Earth dwarves.
    | D/FW TX Social Group | The Ladies of XMTS |

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