6th October 09, 06:24 AM
Regular Greensboro Kilt Night
Alright fellas, our last (and thus far only) kilt night was on Tartan Day waaaaay back in April. There's entirely too many of us around here to go that long without a kilt night. Personally, I'd like to see it become a regular thing. I know Chris is on board with this. What about the rest of you?
The Claddagh was a decent place for a kilt night and was happy to see us there, but it was a bit out of the way. I think right now I think our leading candidates are McPherson's and McCoul's. Friday and Saturday seem like the best days for a kilt night as it allows adventurous kilties from the Charlotte and Raleigh areas to show up.
Any thoughts and inputs are welcome. The more people that we can get to show up, the better off we all are.
6th October 09, 06:41 AM
I'm on for either MacPherson's or McCoul's, but McCouls is a madhouse friday and Saturday nights! They do have a banquet room though. MacPherson's, I think, is pretty consistent all the time.
What about the VIllage Tavern?
6th October 09, 08:51 AM
I'm game.
keep in mind that McPherson's is usually standing room only on Fridays and Saturday nights as well.
6th October 09, 10:30 AM
I suggested Friday and Saturday mainly because it's easier for folks that aren't in the immediate area to make it. I'm open to other days, just thought that might be most convenient. If we can't find a suitable place for those days, would Monday or Tuesday be better? Wednesday is right out, and Thursday is pretty much out unless we make it happen like the third or fourth Thursday in the month.
So, what days work best for everyone? If we're going to make this a regular event, I think once a month would be just about right. I'm always open to suggestions, though. Thoughts? Ideas?
6th October 09, 10:57 AM
I am game for whatever day you guys wanna do, not big on SRO places though. Mon or Tues is fine as well!
Let's see what kind of response comes around! Maybe if the folks from Charlotte or Raliegh want to get in on it we could do a specialized gathering of sorts.
If I can be of any assistance don't hesitate to yell my way!
6th October 09, 11:02 AM
 Originally Posted by Dall_Piobaire
I am game for whatever day you guys wanna do, not big on SRO places though.
This may be a dumb question, but what's SRO?
6th October 09, 11:09 AM
Sorry, standing room only!
I have a huge problem seeing, and huge crowds get overwhelming for me! That's just me though.
6th October 09, 05:54 PM
Hey there! A kilt night sounds good to me. I enjoyed our last one. :-) Mondays and Tuesdays work for me most of the time. I do have the occasional gig though, so once some dates are thrown out there, I can make a better determination.
7th October 09, 06:22 AM
Good to hear from you again, Brian.
It looks like Monday or Tuesday is going to work best for everyone based on the feedback thus far. I realize that whatever day we pick is going to be inconvenient for all of us at some point, but that's life. Right now I'm thinking about meeting maybe monthly or bi-monthly at the worst. Any longer between meetings and it really isn't regular anymore.
Is there a location that anyone prefers? I've heard a lot of good things about McCoul's, but that doesn't mean it's the only place to meet.
7th October 09, 07:47 AM
I love McCoul's, and I think it is the closest thing we have around here to a true pub! i am always open though, transportation might be my only real determining factor. I thinl maybe monthly, then the holidays too, infromal get togethers and such!
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