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  1. #1
    Join Date
    1st October 09
    Denver, Colorado
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    How The Hell Do I Get There!!??

    So the wife and I are trying to start planning a trip to Scotland but I am having a hell of a time figuring out how the hell to plan the trip we want to take. I can figure out the air fare and I know where we want to go and what we want to do but figuring out prices, places to stay, car rentals etc is confusing and difficult at best with the interweb being my only resource. I am loath to go through a pushy and pricey travel agent when I know exactly where I want to go and the methods of transportation I’d like to use. Help!!?? Advice? Thoughts?
    Ethan Evans-Hilton
    "Speed bonny boat like a bird on the wing. Onward the sailor's cry. Carry the lad, who's born to be King, over the seas to Skye."

  2. #2
    Join Date
    27th January 05
    Jefferson, Georgia, USA
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    You'll get a lot of helpful info from the folks who have made teh trip but I'll just add that you might contact one of our members who runs a Guest house in Dumfries. He has always been very helpful with information and suggestions as well as being a great guy in general...And the resident Scotch Guru


    They hold a Burn's Supper every year (The host is to the right of Rabbie)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    6th July 07
    The Highlands,Scotland.
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    Welcome, from Inverness-shire. Actually most of us locals are probably not the people to ask! P1M being the exception. We usually have no idea of car hire, hotel prices etc.. No doubt some of those that visited here this summer from overseas will chip in with their comments before long.In the meantime have a look at the recent picture threads there are some real crackers on Scotland for you to look at! If I can help you in any way, just ask.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    1st July 09
    Cotswolds, England
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    Hi there. In the past I've hired cars from Glasgow airport and from Fort William railway station. I found them on the net. Can't remember the names of the companies but it was all very straightforward. A great guide book with excellent info on accommodation is 'Scotland the Best' by Peter Irvine. Have a great trip.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    28th August 08
    Peoria, Arizona
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    Welcome from Arizona! You might have a look at www.visitscotland.com info@homeatfirst.com

    You should find some good information hopefully.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    17th December 07
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    If you are flying into London, you will not need a car. If, from London, you are going to Edinburgh, I would suggest flying as it both faster and cheaper than travel by car or train. You will have no problem renting a car at any of the airports in Scotland. All of the major rental companies (Avis, Budget, Alamo, etc.) are represented. If possible, pre-pay the rental in the USA as this will cost you less. My wife and I prefer to stay in country house hotels; the Scottish Tourist Board can provide a list of these. I would advise you to reserve your hotels before you leave. I can also recommend the Travelodge chain of motels/hotels as good value for the money (although they are bland and featureless). Again, if you book in advance you will save money on the cost of the room per night.

    You can find 90% of what you need on-line.

    I would advise you to avoid renting the smallest (ie cheapest) car as you will inevitably find that it is inadequate for your needs (you, your wife, your luggage). Likewise, I would not advise renting a car and driving to your hotel in London-- it's a waste of money and besides, you'll probably never get there. If you are starting you trip in London arrange to pick up your car at Stanstead Airport (north of London) it is easy to get to and you will avoid the hassle of the M-25.

    Finally, get yourself an AA road atlas (available on-line) before you leave as this will be indispensable when actually planning your trip as it shows the locations of all sorts of useful things-- castles, monuments, rest stops, motels, etc.

    Bon Voyage!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    19th August 09
    About and around, depends on the season.
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    I have not been, yet. My brother is a traveler, and looks up everything online. He also looks at B&B then does follow ups on references. He always seems to have a wonderful time. He researches everything, and I believe that half the fun of his trips are in the research and anticipation for the trip. The only trips I have done outside the US were military. You don't want to go to those countries. He has used a Tom-Tom and a Garmin with down loads of the countries he has gone with great success.

    My travels in the states are usually whims, and I found that flexibility has netted me greater experiences.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Hi Ethan,
    Remember me?
    Clan Lamont!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    I found this lady to be very helpful, and if you catch her before anyone else does for a given time period, you get to customize the tours for that time period.

    Last edited by St. Amish; 6th October 09 at 06:34 PM. Reason: grammatical error

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    If you plan to take ferries, take a look at the ferry schedules to make sure that they are running your planned route before you book your other reservations.

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