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  1. #1
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    Thumbs up Kudo's to Heritage of Scotland

    I have heard all the horror stories regarding this company but want to give them credit where it is due. I ordered from them on the 11th and was instantly sent a tracking # with fedex.Today, much to my pleasure, I received an e-mail from fedex telling me to expect my package by the 16th.

    I would be happy with this kind of turnaround even if it came from within my province but to expect this from across the pond is mindblowing!!!

    Two days and counting....

  2. #2
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    That is great to hear, I look forward to photos when you get it.

  3. #3
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    I too have had nothing but good experiences with Heritage of Scotland!
    It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom -- for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself.

  4. #4
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    I have also generally had good dealings with HoS. I hope you didn't order anything expensive, because if you did and it is coming by Fedex you should right about now be getting an email or phone call about customs duties, if they are due. Fedex are sticklers about duties, probably over strict in some cases, and they also add on their own "customs handling fees" on top of the duties. Doing this gets them through customs faster so their deliveries are more likely to be on time, but that delivery may be followed by a Fedex bill for the customs duties a few days later. Good luck with whatever you ordered, and yes pictures are in order.

  5. #5
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    My one-and-only kilt (or should I say, my first kilt) is from HoS. The only reason I was able to get one was the sale that they were having. Price was great! and the delivery time was much faster than I had anticipated. The only "bad" thing that I can say is that my waist measurement was between a 39 and 40. I ordered the 40, expecting that to be the size at the middle notch. However, it is a 40 at the tightest notch. But I will either take it to a local kiltmaker to be taken in, or will have to take one for the team and just eat a bit more .
    Stìophan, Clann Mhic Leòid na Hearadh
    Steven, Clan MacLeod of Harris
    Dandelion Pursuivant of Arms

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by saharris View Post
    My one-and-only kilt (or should I say, my first kilt) is from HoS. The only reason I was able to get one was the sale that they were having. Price was great! and the delivery time was much faster than I had anticipated. The only "bad" thing that I can say is that my waist measurement was between a 39 and 40. I ordered the 40, expecting that to be the size at the middle notch. However, it is a 40 at the tightest notch. But I will either take it to a local kiltmaker to be taken in, or will have to take one for the team and just eat a bit more .
    I had a similar problem with my first two kilts from HoS (only my second and third kilts overall) being an inch or two big, but probably a measurement error on my part, easily repaired by my local kiltmaker (Kathy Lare) and fitting well now. My third HoS kilt order used different measurements and fit like a glove when it came out of the box. No problems with several other lesser orders since. Satisfied with the quality and service overall despite the little blips here and there.

    I did , however, unexpectedly get dinged about $60 in duties from Fedex for the first double kilt order nearly two years ago. But as above, that is a Fedex thing.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by ForresterModern View Post
    I have also generally had good dealings with HoS. I hope you didn't order anything expensive, because if you did and it is coming by Fedex you should right about now be getting an email or phone call about customs duties, if they are due. Fedex are sticklers about duties, probably over strict in some cases, and they also add on their own "customs handling fees" on top of the duties. Doing this gets them through customs faster so their deliveries are more likely to be on time, but that delivery may be followed by a Fedex bill for the customs duties a few days later. Good luck with whatever you ordered, and yes pictures are in order.
    It wasnt a kilt but only a pair of broughes. Interesting though, they dont tell you about the custom duties. I'll brace myself...
    I did order a kilt on the weekend though from B&S. Their sale was to good to pass up. End of Nov delivery on a beautiful Maple Leaf Tartan. Pictures will follow.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by RobbyMc View Post
    Interesting though, they dont tell you about the custom duties. I'll brace myself...
    I'm not of the view that its the seller's responsibility to tell international buyers that their country may charge a custom duty on an import, since its not in the seller's control. Nonetheless it can come as a nasty shock. You can learn a lot about it, and how to minimize the risk, by searching old threads about import duties and fedex.

    Best regards,

    [B]Less talk, more monkey![/B]

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Monkey@Arms View Post
    I'm not of the view that its the seller's responsibility to tell international buyers that their country may charge a custom duty on an import, since its not in the seller's control. Nonetheless it can come as a nasty shock. You can learn a lot about it, and how to minimize the risk, by searching old threads about import duties and fedex.

    Best regards,

    I agree with Jake---caveat emptor even when it comes to customs. But there is one reputable US shop, JHiggins, who up front tells you that if you are buying a sizable order from a UK vendor because their total price is less than Higgins, be aware of the customs effect as many customers are shocked when they think they have saved a couple hundred bucks on a full kit and kilt from the UK then have to pay that plus some more in duties after their beloved package arrives.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Monkey@Arms View Post
    I'm not of the view that its the seller's responsibility to tell international buyers that their country may charge a custom duty on an import, since its not in the seller's control. Nonetheless it can come as a nasty shock. You can learn a lot about it, and how to minimize the risk, by searching old threads about import duties and fedex.

    Best regards,

    Point taken...I will do my homework next time.

    I have just received an e-mail stating they were delivered this morning to my house; no mentin of duty. I think I'll leave early today...Cheers

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