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  1. #1
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    Timelord Victorious - Water on Mars

    Watched the new Dr. Who episode last night, last one before Xmas Day. entitled 'Water on Mars'.
    This was a fairly dark episode with Dr. Who getting visions about his impending death, I won't say what it was about but it was as a cracker of an episode with David Tennant excelling himself in this dark melodramatic role. He was'nt the normal exuberant doctor that we know and love but one very concerned about his future and stepping out of himself with feelings of infallibilty and that he could do no wrong - well worth watching

  2. #2
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    oh, I heard about that from a friend in the U.K. I'm probably among the first American fans of the Doctor, having stumbled upon the series when it was first broadcast in the States in the mid-1970's. (The series was so unfamiliar, they had a voiceover commentary linking all the episodes, done by Howard da Silva. That doesn't seem to have been preserved anywhere. )

    I don't get the BBC Channel, so I am looking forward to getting the dvd when it comes out.
    Last edited by Galician; 16th November 09 at 08:12 AM. Reason: clarify that I was referring to the USA

  3. #3
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    Dr Who was first broadcast in the UK in 1963.

    They have been advertising the "Water on Mars" episode on BBC America but I'm not sure when they are showing it. I does look good in the trailer.


  4. #4
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    True, Steve, the show was first broadcast there on November 23, 1963, in fact, the day after the assasination of JFK. I have heard that this was an issue at the BBC, as to the appropriateness of airing it.

    I have corrected my original post, though, to reflect that I was referring to its broadcast here in the States.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    On the Wikipaedia Dr Who page there is a link to the 'Classic' theme tune - as soon as it started my pulse rate shot up - and I got a shiver down my spine.

    It is one of those programs where the idea is stronger than the actuality - and sometimes a lot better than the acting - but I would love to see all of the episodes, just once more - all those sand dunes and quarries, naff costumes and bad prosthetics - probably from behind the sofa.

    Anne the Pleater :ootd:

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