Here are a couple of shots of me and Scooby hiunting for his Christmas tree. Actually, we have cornered our quarry and are preparing to cut it and take it away.
Scooby decided that he would do the cutting this year; about halfway through he allowed as how this was hard work:
I might add that he picked the furthest available tree from the parking lot.
At the place he likes to go, they give the trees names. Picking a tree is not only an aesthetic process but involves said tree having an acceptable name. The tag you see on the tree remains with it throughout the season; this years tree is "Drako" and Scooby intends to go "ninja" on him in January when the time comes.
That is my newest, much discussed but heretofor unpictured black chevron cloth knife pleat. I'll post a pleat shot in the DIY section when I get a chance.