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  1. #1
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    A kilt wearing opportunity

    Hi guys,

    Just got a call from my eldest niece. looks like I get to be a groomsman in her wedding. I got permission to wear my kilt in the wedding with the jacket they choose.

    It will be the Lamont Modern I'm ordering. So what should go with kilt and jacket? I will be going with a plaid. Hey, I like them and the look. This time it will be a real plaid not just a sash. I have a set of gillies and I just ordered a set of red wool garters.

    So since I think you don't get much more formal than an evening wedding outside of a White House (though I hear it's easy to crash) I can use it as an excuse to get a few doodads and gewgaws:headbang:

    In all seriousness about this how should I approach this? My family doesn't have a clue on what is appropriate. My mother wore white to my wedding.


  2. #2
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    I say match the formality of the rest of the Bridal party. If it's formal, then Argyll. Semi-formal: tweed. Informal: Boots & scrunched hose.

    jk on that last suggestion

  3. #3
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    Very good advice.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Guy in the Kilt at UC View Post
    I say match the formality of the rest of the Bridal party.
    Regards, Bill McCaughtry

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drac View Post
    I got permission to wear my kilt in the wedding with the jacket they choose.

    Just make sure they choose a kilt jacket! I had a similar experience last summer being in a wedding party and being the only one kilted.

    I went with an dress Braemar jacket because it looked somewhat similar to the jacket the other groomsmen were wearing (black with a notch lapel and no tails). I also wore the same rented shirt, bow tie, vest, and shoes as the rest of the groomsmen and my lass made flashes to match the colour of the vest (this was also the colour of the bridesmaids' gowns).
    - Justitia et fortitudo invincibilia sunt
    - An t'arm breac dearg

  5. #5
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    I'd say for a formal wedding choose a nice jacket, get some sort of Sgian Dubh, and have fun.

  6. #6
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    How about the book So You're Going To Wear The Kilt?

    I assume you have (or are going to get) some hose to wear with your fine new gillies and red garters (avoid white if you can). A sporran is perhaps the next most important item to consider. If the jacket does not have a vest, then a kilt belt with a big shinny buckle would be grand. After the above, then how about a Sgian Dubh or a balmoral hat? With all this, you are pretty much set!
    Michael the Farlander

    Loch Sloy!

  7. #7
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    After the above, then how about a Sgian Dubh or a balmoral hat?
    Is a balmoral appropriate for an evening formal function?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tobus View Post
    Is a balmoral appropriate for an evening formal function?
    No, it is not.
    Regards, Bill McCaughtry

  9. #9
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    Thanks guys.

    Since it would be (I think, weird as my niece is pagan) in a Christian church I would not be wearing a hat. Shame really, I could use an excuse to get one but our family doesn't wear hats in churches.

    I hope they chose a shorter jacket but that part is out of my hands. On the hose my mother-in-law is knitting me a set so I just have to chose a color for her to use and I'm thinking the Lovat green with the red garters would be a good choice.

    I have a good belt with a large shiny buckle I wore with my kit to the Navy Ball. The sgain dubh is an ok one so I'm hoping to get a nice dress one. Don't you love an excuse to go shopping. I have been requested to be armed to the wedding (see what I said about my family, no hat but armed?) so I'm to wear a dirk. I have a beautiful dagger coming in that I might be able to get by with. It is a historical piece done by a friend of mine. It's a baselard.

    Last edited by Drac; 3rd February 10 at 09:11 AM.

  10. #10
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    Hmm, if they're going to make you wear a normal-length (Saxon) coat, I'd skip the kilt entirely. That would just look awkward.

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