9th February 10, 07:01 AM
NOT hose tops, tops of hose...
We all know about those elegant shooting socks with the checky cuffs, and the lovely bespoke kilt hose with contrasting cuffs, AND even the clever add-on cuffs made by some members. But what do the traditional gents think of wearing socks like this for day?
or these?
The second one is likely to be more like a boot sock or athletic socks, but that appearance is much more noticeable when the socks are not being worn. I have done business with this seller and can report only good things.
But will everyone wait until I leave and then shake their heads sadly?
Some take the high road and some take the low road. Who's in the gutter? MacLowlife
9th February 10, 07:10 AM
No harm...
The second pair looks much like Boy Scout socks!
"If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." -- Thomas Paine
Scottish-American Military Society Post 1921
9th February 10, 07:22 AM
When I was a lad...
I believe the last time I wore that uniform was in 1974 or thereabouts, and our knee socks were solid green- something closer to faded fatigue / OD, but called Khaki in the British sense. We wore them with garters and flashes.
For the sasquatches who like Boy scout socks, here is a deal:
http://www.scoutstuff.org/BSASupply/ItemDetail.aspx?cat=01RTL&ctgy=PRODUCTS&c2=UNIFORM S&C3=USOCKS&C4=&LV=3&item=BSKS&prodid=BSKS^8^01RTL &
Some take the high road and some take the low road. Who's in the gutter? MacLowlife
9th February 10, 07:26 AM
I prefer single colour hose(not white though),even for evening wear, but in truth if you like this style of hose with a contrasting top then wear them. I doubt that the earth will stop spinning around if you do.
9th February 10, 07:30 AM
Interesting. I'd sure like to see them worn "in context" with a kilt. They could look very traditional, or they could look all wrong. It's hard to say.
I would think that the only reason they might not look traditional is that the tops seem to be very plain jersey-style knit (maybe there's a more correct term but I don't know what it is).
But plain hose with a simple non-decorated contrasting top doesn't seem to be out of the realm of traditional. Since this portrait is on my mind today (posted in another thread), it seems like a good example:
9th February 10, 08:10 AM
I have a few pairs of shooting or breeks socks that are one color body and another color turnover top without a patterned turnover----I believe they are royal blue with grey, red with olive green, and brown tweed with charcoal---and wearthem with appropriate matching kilts. They are heavy enough like good quality kilt hose, and made of wool (one of the listing in the OP is for acryllic) and look quite nice. I bought mine from CountryNaturals http://countrynaturals.co.uk/ online or at their ebay store by the same name, except for the brown pair that I bought at an Orvis sponsored hunting and fishing store on spring clearence (near you Rex in Hyde Park, Cincinnati). Great hose at a decent price for the quality. Sorry no pictures wearing them yet.
9th February 10, 04:24 PM
Like Jock said: ACBW*
*any colour but white
9th February 10, 04:36 PM
I don't care for either the style of the socks or the look in general. But as I have been told what do I know.
9th February 10, 04:45 PM
MacL, you may wish to check out these country shooting socks. They are often worn as kilt hose and I can certainly recommend them for comfort and value:
annd here'sd a full range of the hose tops you're talking about from a different website:
It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom -- for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself.
9th February 10, 05:53 PM
I'm with Tobus: in The Highlanders of Scotland several men are wearing hose with contrasting turnover cuffs, showing that that was fairly common at that time (c1868).
24 of the 56 kilted men are wearing diced full hose, however three of those have plain cuffs.
Of the 11 men wearing self-coloured/sold colored hose, three have cuffs of a contrasting colour (taupe with olive cuffs, grey with white cuffs, grey with scarlet cuffs).
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