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  1. #1
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    American tourists in Scotland

    This is a question posed to those members that live in Scotland.

    How are American tourists seen by the people of the land? If american tourists are kilted, how are they treated? Generalities will be fine. I have a friend planning a trip to Scotland and he wants to know how americans are received. Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    from my perspective, if the tourist chooses to wear a kilt when on holiday in Scotland, he should wear an 8 yard wool kilt with knife pleats, coloured hose worn with flashes, a day sporran, shirt, and fleece or other comfy jacket, not a pc, tweed jacket would be best, leave the ghillie brofgues at home, he should relax and enjoy himself, he should wear the kilt as if he has worn nothing but the kilt, and he will fit in just fine.
    No animosity will be shown, he will be made to feel very welcome.

  3. #3
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    Box Pleats?

    Quote Originally Posted by Redshank View Post
    from my perspective, if the tourist chooses to wear a kilt when on holiday in Scotland, he should wear an 8 yard wool kilt with knife pleats, coloured hose worn with flashes, a day sporran, shirt, and fleece or other comfy jacket, not a pc, tweed jacket would be best, leave the ghillie brofgues at home, he should relax and enjoy himself, he should wear the kilt as if he has worn nothing but the kilt, and he will fit in just fine.
    No animosity will be shown, he will be made to feel very welcome.
    What would be the reaction to a nice kilt but box pleated instead of knife pleated? I can't think of a good analogy but, some people hate double breasted jackets and others really like them. I am just trying to understand the Scotch perspective. Is is "not my cup of tea" or a more visceral reaction? My knowledge is cursory but I have read a few threads which seem to point out there is great tradition to the box pleat.

    What is the reaction to more modern kilts? I mean, there are some rather nice modern kilts that aren't tat. Using the example of the manual trades like brick layers and the like. I have seen some of these guys wearing kilts like Utilikilts and the like with boots. Given the nature of the work, it makes total sense to me. I don't percieve it as an insult to the wondrous craftsment of Scotland that make hand made, hand sewn kilts. But from a Scotch perspective might it be viewed that way?

    Let me make clear I am interested in learning and have no formed opinions, just wanting to understand a different perspective.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by seanachie View Post
    What would be the reaction to a nice kilt but box pleated instead of knife pleated? I can't think of a good analogy but, some people hate double breasted jackets and others really like them. I am just trying to understand the Scotch perspective. Is is "not my cup of tea" or a more visceral reaction? My knowledge is cursory but I have read a few threads which seem to point out there is great tradition to the box pleat.

    What is the reaction to more modern kilts? I mean, there are some rather nice modern kilts that aren't tat. Using the example of the manual trades like brick layers and the like. I have seen some of these guys wearing kilts like Utilikilts and the like with boots. Given the nature of the work, it makes total sense to me. I don't percieve it as an insult to the wondrous craftsment of Scotland that make hand made, hand sewn kilts. But from a Scotch perspective might it be viewed that way?

    Let me make clear I am interested in learning and have no formed opinions, just wanting to understand a different perspective.
    I won't answer this question, not because I cant, but it's suffice to say anything other than the norm would raise a few eyebrows in the Highlands, I think it would be more accepted in the lowlands.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by seanachie View Post
    What would be the reaction to a nice kilt but box pleated instead of knife pleated? I can't think of a good analogy but, some people hate double breasted jackets and others really like them. I am just trying to understand the Scotch perspective. Is is "not my cup of tea" or a more visceral reaction? My knowledge is cursory but I have read a few threads which seem to point out there is great tradition to the box pleat.

    What is the reaction to more modern kilts? I mean, there are some rather nice modern kilts that aren't tat. Using the example of the manual trades like brick layers and the like. I have seen some of these guys wearing kilts like Utilikilts and the like with boots. Given the nature of the work, it makes total sense to me. I don't percieve it as an insult to the wondrous craftsment of Scotland that make hand made, hand sewn kilts. But from a Scotch perspective might it be viewed that way?

    Let me make clear I am interested in learning and have no formed opinions, just wanting to understand a different perspective.
    I don't think Chris will mind me chipping in. Most Scots(99%) would not know a box pleat and would assume, if they even noticed, that it was some new fangled foreign interpretation of what a proper kilt should be. OK we on this site know better, but how many Scots are members here?

    I have never yet seen any one in Scotland wear a "modern style" kilt, OK I accept that some do, Alex and P1M for example, but they are exceptions. I would doubt(OK prove me wrong?) if there is a builder in Scotland that wears the kilt of any sort to work. I personally would advise great care in where to wear a modern style of kilt in Scotland, in some places I can almost guarantee reactions ranging from robust ridicule to downright hostility.

  6. #6
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    Lightbulb Howdy!

    I promise if I visit Scotland I will wear my cowboy boots, hat and big @ss belt buckle! No chaps or spurs though, those are just for ridin'.
    Order of the Dandelion, The Houston Area Kilt Society, Bald Rabble in Kilts, Kilted Texas Rabble Rousers, The Flatcap Confederation, Kilted Playtron Group.
    "If you’re going to talk the talk, you’ve got to walk the walk"

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zardoz View Post
    I promise if I visit Scotland I will wear my cowboy boots, hat and big @ss belt buckle! No chaps or spurs though, those are just for ridin'.
    Joking apart, it has been known!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zardoz View Post
    I promise if I visit Scotland I will wear my cowboy boots, hat and big @ss belt buckle! No chaps or spurs though, those are just for ridin'.

    Of late, I have mostly been wearing overalls and an old straw hat. I don't think I would wear that or Highland attire either if I visited Scotland, though.
    I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
    Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frank McGrath View Post
    This is a question posed to those members that live in Scotland.

    How are American tourists seen by the people of the land? If american tourists are kilted, how are they treated? Generalities will be fine. I have a friend planning a trip to Scotland and he wants to know how americans are received. Thanks
    With open arms. Delighted to see you.

    Scots are quite reserved, but generally speaking they are immensely courteous,but on occasion their dry sense of humour can turn into a storm, particularly, if the kilt is not worn correctly. I know some may say otherwise, but stick with a tartan kilt.If your friend is planning to be up in the Inverness/Fort William area and needs a few ideas, then do get in touch.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    I'm getting the urge to wear a kilt with a cowboy hat and boots!

    Both in Scotland and in Texas!

    Wait a minute - I already did about two weeks ago. But it was for an impromptu party and we were supposed to dress silly. It was the best I could do from what I had in my suitcase. (I will say I saw very few Texans wearing boots or cowboy hats, just like I've seen very few Scots wear a kilt.)

    Seriously though, beyond my clan gathering and the Gathering of the Clans in Edinburgh this last summer, I wore a kilt several other times while visiting Scotland and only received positive comments from the locals.

    Some wanted to know what the occasion was and I just said I liked wearing a kilt and where better to wear one then in Scotland. I had a couple of people say how they wished more Scots would wear a kilt for other than weddings, funerals, and the like. I even got a free dram or two, much to my wife's surprise.

    But like Jock has repeatedly said, Scots are too polite to publically object. I got the usual looks of curiousity, but no evil-eye stares, and for the most part I would say most Scots I encountered just ignored me (or perhaps didn't really care).
    Virginia Commissioner, Elliot Clan Society, USA
    Adjutant, 1745 Appin Stewart Regiment
    Scottish-American Military Society
    US Marine (1970-1999)

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