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  1. #1
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    All quiet.

    Here I am sat outside in the sun with a large cup of tea waiting for my sons to arrive, and it is quiet! Very quiet! It is 10-30 in the morning, the birds are singing, the burn babbling away, the odd puff of wind rustling the grass, a sheep bleating in the distance, a peregrine falcon is calling too, what's going on? Has my hearing miraculously recovered? Just what is going on? I ask myself again. The answer? No aircraft, not one, not a vapour trail, not a buzz of a distant engine, not a roar as a passing RAF Tornado goes by at 200 feet ------just nature going about its business.

    It is amazing what we get used to I suppose, but to think that only 100 years ago that is what our ancestors would have heard, bees buzzing, birds singing.......................... lucky them! Maybe that volcano is not such a bad thing, for some of us, after all.

  2. #2
    M. A. C. Newsome is offline

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    I sympathize with you. I live out in the county (not in the town limits) in a fairly rural area. We get some minor traffic driving by our house, but it's limited to those folks who live up the road from us. We are fairly close to the highway, but there is a mountain that blocks the road noise from us.

    So, for the most part when I'm out in my back yard, I hear the birds, the creek (burn), and the happy sounds of my children playing.

    However, just over the mountain from us is our local county airport. Now, it's a very small airport, and the only craft flying in there are helicoptors, small private planes, etc. However it's still a bit unsettling to hear the roaring noise in my otherwise idyllic pastoral environment.

    It's only occasional, so I cannot complain. All the same, I enjoy those moments of peace and quiet!

  3. #3
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    It all sounds idyllic to me Jock, one thing about spending time in Matt's neck of the woods, just on the other side of the airport I think, in a wee cabin on the side of the mountain is the sheer lack of any outside noise, and at night when it gets dark it is truly dark you can actually get to sleep.

    I'm reminded of my Grandmother who was born in Scotland before the Airplane was invented, the family had no vehicle when she was growing up, either. It must have been a shock to them to hear that first automobile or that first airplane fly overhead.

    Jock, Matt enjoy the quiet, I wish I could join either one of you.

  4. #4
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    I often have much the same thoughts when I'm out in the country at night, away from the lights of the city, and you can see the millions (billions?) of stars in the sky.

    Some people I know find the absence of modern day noises (motor traffic, airplanes, etc) to be disconcerting, though I find it quite relaxing and enjoyable.

    Well done Jock. I hope you are able to find other moments like this to enjoy.
    Virginia Commissioner, Elliot Clan Society, USA
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  5. #5
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    We lost power for 5 days last month following a storm and the quiet both in and out of the house was incredible.

  6. #6
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    That reminds me of some thing I hadn't thought of in a while. In 2001 I worked in an area near a major airport. In fact, our building lined up with one of the runways. So commercial jets were constantly going overhead. In the days following the 9/11 attacks, all air traffic in the US had been suspended. The silence, while nice, was very eerie. While the rest of the surrounding were not as peaceful as yours, I think I know what you mean.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by HeathBar View Post
    That reminds me of some thing I hadn't thought of in a while. In 2001 I worked in an area near a major airport. In fact, our building lined up with one of the runways. So commercial jets were constantly going overhead. In the days following the 9/11 attacks, all air traffic in the US had been suspended. The silence, while nice, was very eerie. While the rest of the surrounding were not as peaceful as yours, I think I know what you mean.
    HeathBar, I thought the exact same thing when I read this. After 9/11/01 the skys were silent for a while. I am in a town with a large air force base and an international airport, so the quiet was very noticable. Very eerie!
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by azwildcat96 View Post
    HeathBar, I thought the exact same thing when I read this. After 9/11/01 the skys were silent for a while. I am in a town with a large air force base and an international airport, so the quiet was very noticable. Very eerie!
    And here! I was out scouting a new hunting area on 9/12/01 and even though it's tallgrass prarie, you can't quite ever get away from the sight and sounds of planes. Well that day was truly eerie with the lack of air traffic. It was easy to imagine what it was like walking through the grassland 100 or so years ago. Even though the circumstances that brought about the peacfullness were tragic, it was one of the best days I've ever had out doors!

  9. #9
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    Nice to hear you can hear :-)

    I must admit the roaring jets of the RAF as we sailed on Loch Ness was a shock to my system. All three times. Enjoy the din!
    Last edited by ChubRock; 18th April 10 at 05:26 AM.
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  10. #10
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    Unhappy Noise Pollution...

    I have to say that on my return from Scotland in 1998 (after several months in country) I was quite literally "shocked" by the noise pollution at the Atlanta airport. Sadly, that' sort of hub-bub is all too common across the modern South- strip malls and 4-lane divided highways.

    Matt: I believe the correct pronunciation of a burn in your part of the country is "crick"... :P
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