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Thread: Quitting my job

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  1. #1
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    Quitting my job

    Many of you have probably seen my post about getting kicked out of work for wearing my kilt, well, this is the newest development.

    I found out yesterday from a guy I work with that I am getting fired in the next week or two, apparently I have not kept up my numbers like they want, so they are stacking up reprimands and PiP's for my next day of work, and when I come in are going to hand me a pink slip and say "this is your last day of work".
    Fortunately my buddy heard it and told me, so I am writing my 2 weeks notice right now, and am going up there to drop it off as soon as they open.....
    With the measly pay they are giving me I make just enough to pay for gas for the car and monthly car insurance, so being unemployed for a week or two won't hurt me.

    I have a friend at a security company that is trying to get me a slot there, hopefully that will pan out.

  2. #2
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    If you quit, can you claim for unemployment? Watch it there...

    And if you turn up at the unemployment office and tell them that you got canned because you wore the kilt...oooooh....I'm no lawyer but it sounds like trouble for your ex-employer.

    Buddy of mine got let go once and went to unemployment immediately. The person at unemployment called the ex-employer and asked the supervisor why my buddy got fired...the supervisor says, "incompetence." The unemployment person then askes, "how long did he work there?". The super sez, "...seven years." Unemployment sez, "...it took you seven years to figure out whether or not this guy was competent?". Needless to say, my buddy got the compo.



  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by auld argonian View Post
    Watch it there...
    Agreed. It would be better to serve out your time and wait to be let go. I wish I had done that when I was in a similar situation 6 years ago.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Guy in the Kilt at UC View Post
    Agreed. It would be better to serve out your time and wait to be let go. I wish I had done that when I was in a similar situation 6 years ago.
    I am currently in a similar situation. I got laid off recently. Wait to get fired and stick it to them. Take a short paid vacation on the bookstore's dime.
    "Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.

  5. #5
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    I would wait to get canned personally. Make them come up with a reason, quitting at this point is letting them off easy.

  6. #6
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    Very sorry to hear that, but it might be for the best considering the Major.
    Is this coming from the Shift Manager or the Store Manager?
    Do you think it is related to your Tartan Day incident?
    I thought the store manager said you were the most professional one there.
    How many reprimands do you have in the 4 months you have been there? And the numbers?

    In the letter I would address the issue of the way you were treated and that you now feel uncomfortable working their.

  7. #7
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    Wow, this went down hill fast. Too coincidental to me. If you haven't already, start writing all this down in case you end up needing it for legal proceedings.

    Better check into what keeps them on the hook for unemployment benefits before you quit. Unless you have left something out or mis-represented any of this, I think you have a pretty good case (at least better than most we hear about). If nothing else, it could make an interesting story for your local news to pick up on.

    This whole thing could have been avoided had the manager been a bit more civil.

  8. #8
    bricelythgoe is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    In my state, if you get fired for the reasons he listing, you would not get unemployment. Although those may not be the EXACT reason why they are firing him, that is what they will tell the state.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scotcop View Post
    they are stacking up reprimands and PiP's for my next day of work, and when I come in are going to hand me a pink slip and say "this is your last day of work".
    Were you aware of the alleged reprimands and PiPs, or are these things that are going magically appear out of nowhere? PiPs don't work very well if the person on the plan isn't aware of them...

    I had a friend once who had the cards stacked against him like that. Boss never put him on plan or made formal reprimands, but had apparently put everything on paper and in his file. So when he was let go he was given an swath of evidence to his poor performance, despite never being told that his performance was in fact poor.

  10. #10
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    Sounds like "Double, Secret Probation" ala Animal House Speaking of Animal House this "Major's" name wouldn't be Neidermayer would it?

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