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Thread: sporran tilt

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  1. #1
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    sporran tilt

    I don't often bother wearing a sporran as I'm mainly just kilted at home. But the few times I have strapped one on I've been annoyed that the top of the sporran tilts out away from my body. Am I doing something wrong? Is it just my sporran? Is this normal? Both my sporran are simple (read "inexpensive") leather day sporrans.

  2. #2
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    Does it have a slot in the back that your belt goes through or the two D-rings at the top that the belt clips to? The belt-through-the-slot variety tend to do that, since their "fulcrum" is a bit lower than the D-ring kind. A little extra weight in the sporran might pull it down and make it act right.

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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by piperdbh View Post
    Does it have a slot in the back that your belt goes through or the two D-rings at the top that the belt clips to? The belt-through-the-slot variety tend to do that, since their "fulcrum" is a bit lower than the D-ring kind. A little extra weight in the sporran might pull it down and make it act right.
    Since I still have no idea what I'm doing with this thing I've actually tried both ways: with the belt through the slot AND by passing the belt through the clips on the D-rings (it seemed like a good idea at the time). Same annoying tilt with both methods.

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    Quote Originally Posted by NewEnglander View Post
    Since I still have no idea what I'm doing with this thing I've actually tried both ways: with the belt through the slot AND by passing the belt through the clips on the D-rings (it seemed like a good idea at the time). Same annoying tilt with both methods.
    It sounds like you are using a solid, one piece strap. If it is a farily rigid piece of leather you can figure it's wanting to push the top edge out so it make sense. Stretching and softening the leather might help a bit but I think for best results you are going to need to get strap with trigger snaps of some kind to attach to the D-rings. This will allow the sporran to hang more naturally and be much more comfortable IMHO. It will also be easier to put on and take off as desired.

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    Quote Originally Posted by cavscout View Post
    It sounds like you are using a solid, one piece strap. If it is a farily rigid piece of leather you can figure it's wanting to push the top edge out so it make sense. Stretching and softening the leather might help a bit but I think for best results you are going to need to get strap with trigger snaps of some kind to attach to the D-rings. This will allow the sporran to hang more naturally and be much more comfortable IMHO. It will also be easier to put on and take off as desired.
    Excellent! Thanks for the suggestion. It took me a few minutes of searching around to realize I need to email them to place an order.

  6. #6
    bricelythgoe is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    I am not sure why or how that is happening. Any pics to show it? That would help me understand a little better.

  7. #7
    bricelythgoe is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Some pics of the back of the sporran should do.

  8. #8
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    My first sporran was an el-cheapo that behaived as you've described, even with weight in it. My current favorite is a TCS from brother Turpin and I've not noticed any problem. The rings are rather high on that sporran, and that defintely will affect the hang.

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