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  1. #1
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    Alternative to Flashes...Garters!

    So I woke up this morning with a gripping in my wam and I took a sick day. Not being able to just sit on my duff and watch the idiot box all day I dug through my leather scraps and took on a little project. I do a bit of period re-enacting which calls for older type stockings rather than kilt hose and therefore garters. I have found that even in my modern kilt I sometime prefer a garter to flashes so I threw these together. Hand stitched and braided suede and suede lacing. Not bad for a first try I think. Might even add them to our sales stock if folks are interested...

    Ethan Evans-Hilton
    "Speed bonny boat like a bird on the wing. Onward the sailor's cry. Carry the lad, who's born to be King, over the seas to Skye."

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ethan Evans-Hilton View Post
    ...I have found that even in my modern kilt I sometime prefer a garter to flashes ...
    Has someone finally figured out how to wear flashes without a garter? Because if so, I want to know the secret!

    ...seriously though, those things look great- though I don't know that I would personally choose them over the traditional style of garter for wear with a kilt; I tend to feel like a lack of stretch in the leather would make them more prone to cut into the leg than knit garters would be.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Ross View Post
    Has someone finally figured out how to wear flashes without a garter? Because if so, I want to know the secret!
    . . .
    Hey, I've got it.

    Thumb tacks! That'll keep the flashes in place, hold up the hose, and avoid the possiblity of constrcting the calves.

    Maybe I should patent this idea! Hmmm. (Let's see, add the I could put a celtic knot on the top, or offer clan crests . . . .)
    Jim Killman
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by thescot View Post
    Hey, I've got it.

    Thumb tacks! That'll keep the flashes in place, hold up the hose, and avoid the possiblity of constrcting the calves.

    Maybe I should patent this idea! Hmmm. (Let's see, add the I could put a celtic knot on the top, or offer clan crests . . . .)
    That is truly ridiculous. Thumb tacks would pop right out. But a staple gun would be about right. Nail gun might be a bit of overkill. But I suppose the added bling from a nice finishing nail would be an interesting touch.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Ross View Post
    Has someone finally figured out how to wear flashes without a garter? Because if so, I want to know the secret!
    You could use a very small safety pin. It wouldn't show, and it shouldn't be uncomfortable.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lyle1 View Post
    You could use a very small safety pin. It wouldn't show, and it shouldn't be uncomfortable.
    Hah- I was just kidding, brother. I like garters w/o flashes, not the other way around.

  7. #7
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    I remember years ago that the Canadian Armed Forces did issue kilt hose in the olkve colour with the red flashes sewn to the inside of the cuff. Worked really well, they were positioned correctly and you couldn't tell they were sewn on. I see no reason any one couldn't do it if they wanted to.

  8. #8
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    As some of you know, I don't always wear flashes, but my hose do need a bit of help to stay up on occasion. To the rescue comes our post man! How? The elastic band that the letters are held together by fits my calf perfectly, but without cutting in and what is more they are free!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    ....what is more they are free!
    Spoken like a true Scot

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    As some of you know, I don't always wear flashes, but my hose do need a bit of help to stay up on occasion. To the rescue comes our post man! How? The elastic band that the letters are held together by fits my calf perfectly, but without cutting in and what is more they are free!
    If one needs a bit more strength than postal rubber bands, does the military still use blousing rubbers?

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