Sorry Eleazar but I would like to show these off. One of them (finishing up in the next day or so) is the one you graciously offered up in trade for some file work.
I doing some charity work for the USO who is having an event next Saturday. Here is the first of two I am contributing to the silent auction. It is one of my Gent's EDCs with live oak for the handle about 6" long. The wood is from my private collection. It is from one of my two week tours on the USS Constitution. After making three knives from materials given to me I was given some addition pieces as a thank you. Of the 10-15% of the ship that is still original the most common material is this live oak. No guarantees but this handle material is most likely original wood, over 200 years old. The steel is CPM154 with a tapered tang. Hand rubbed finish to 1000 grit.
The other will be a hunter with the same wood. Seems fitting for the event.