My Stillwater Kilt Needs TLC
...Oh yes, it does. I'm afraid it's been rather abused. It's one of the old Shadow tartan acrylic heavyweights, and it's rather messed up. The pleats are wrinkled, the fabric has pilled like crazy, and the leather closures are stretched and grody.
So where do I begin? I'm not sure the pleats are ever going to fall properly again, probably as a result of my poor ironing skills.
 Originally Posted by toadinakilt
...Oh yes, it does. I'm afraid it's been rather abused. It's one of the old Shadow tartan acrylic heavyweights, and it's rather messed up. The pleats are wrinkled, the fabric has pilled like crazy, and the leather closures are stretched and grody.
So where do I begin? I'm not sure the pleats are ever going to fall properly again, probably as a result of my poor ironing skills.
The pilling can be removed with a sweater shaver.
The leather straps can be replaced.
The pleats can be basted and re-pressed, though acrylic is very easely melted compared to wool...
I suggest buying a new, wool shadow tartan from SWK, or one of the other kilt providers of the forum, if that is more than you can manage.
I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…
My lovely wife no longer posts here but she did leave a legacy of useful threads
Check out this one, it may help
-See it there, a white plume
Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
Of the ultimate combustion-My panache
Edmond Rostand
We'll see how my lovely wife feels about helping me with the basting... we have a 10 month old now, and just found yesterday we're expecting again! Oh lord, how time flies...
Of course, seeing as how I got her an iPod for our anniversary, maybe she'll let me drop some $$$ on a new kilt. THAT would be the ticket, for sure.
It'll never be the fine looking kilt it once was, to be sure, but hey, it's acrylic, can't expect much more.
That thread brings back memories...
Anyway, toadinakilt, good luck and congratulations. Welcome back.
I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…
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