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  1. #1
    Join Date
    14th August 07
    Halifax, NS
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    NYC Visit in July

    I'm off to attend a wedding in NJ and will be spending a few days in NYC beforehand (July 4-7) and traveling with my 14yr old daughter. I have a hotel booked within a few blocks of Penn Station (30 E 30th St), but it's my back-up plan and costs a bit more than I like. I'd like to know what other people have done to cut costs and still enjoy NYC. For example, recommendations for particular hotels outside of Manhattan that are close to trains, places to eat, unique places to visit (other than the normal tourists things). Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Some people coming in for the Tartan Day Parade stay in New Jersey and take the train in to the city. But you have to consider the train ride (say one hour each way) and the train fare. Be wary of low price small hotels in New York - they can be really bad. And remember few advertise the full rate - hotel taxes in NYC are high.

    The unique places tend to be the tourist places in the city. It depends what you like to do - China Town, SoHo and the Village are always fun to visit and walking around and people watching is free. Don't be afraid of the subway - we use it all the time to get around Manhattan and have never had a problem. It is cliche, but do the Empire State Building - it really is one of the most amazing views in the world. St. Patrick's Cathedral is free as well.

    And of course a visit to St. Andrews Pub (140 West 46th Street) would be in order. Or if you prefer a more casual pint try Stout (133 West 33rd Street). Enjoy.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    In all honesty, NYC offers sooo much, that a lot depends on your tastes and interests as to what you will find of interest. I won't even begin to guess what a 14 y/o will find engaging.

    Instead of the Empire State Building, you might consider going to the Top of the Rock, which is located at Rockefeller Center. I haven't gone myself, but many say it has a better view, and is cheaper. Check online. Likewise there are tons of small museums geared to specialised tastes, and more music events at that time of year than can be counted. And I would like to recommend planning on going to the big fireworks display on the 4th!!!

    One online source is TimeoutNY.

    Oh, and do let us know if you'd be up for a meet with the local rabble!

  4. #4
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    My brother has entertained many of our family members visiting New York who represent a wide range of tastes. When reminiscing about their trips they all mention one event, breakfast at Junior’s in Brooklyn followed by a walk over the Brooklyn Bridge.


  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Awesome replies. I love the Junior's idea. We'll look into that for sure. Since yesterday I found a food walking tour that looks really yummy. The company has several tours that not only explore the area, but also taste test the flavour of the neighbourhood. We'll be doing that. Only problem is which neighbourhood!

    I'd love to meet up with any rabble in the area. It's always nice to be able to sit and relax and talk about your day. Just remember, the location will have to be underage friendly and easy to get to.

    As for the free people watching, nothing can top my experience in Central Park back in 1993. Walking past a small group of people, I noticed that the big bald guy wearing a black shirt and pants ensemble had a 2" candle stub stuck to the top of his head. He must have had that thing burning for a while to get the dramatic wax drip effect all over his scalp.....

    Keep suggestions coming.

  6. #6
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    While we're in NY, I want my daughter to have a cell phone for emergency purposes. She doesn't currently have one here at home and I don't think I'd like to commit to a cell phone plan just to have one for the week we're away. We do have access to a pay-as-you-go but it won't work outside the country.

    I understand that Virgin has very cheap phones, but even after I visited their website, I'm just not understanding how it all works. Is it a plan, or a card or what?

    Does anyone have any suggestions or can explain it for me?

    Thanks in advance.

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