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    Confederate Memorial

    I'm considering ordering a Confederate Memorial tartan kilt (amongst others), mainly because I like the color combination and pattern. Other than the fact that I now live in the South, I can claim no connection to the Sons of the South. My ancestors weren't even on this continent during the conflict.

    I'm going to defer to the hive mentality here. Would wearing this tartan be considered disrespectful?

  2. #2
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    I've always struggled to see the rational nexus between the attire of the Scottish Highlands and the American Civil War. Do you have any familial ties to Scotland? If you don't have a connection to any Scottish "clan" tartans, I'd consider a "universal" Scottish tartan or a US state tartan.


  3. #3
    macwilkin is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidlpope View Post
    I've always struggled to see the rational nexus between the attire of the Scottish Highlands and the American Civil War. Do you have any familial ties to Scotland? If you don't have a connection to any Scottish "clan" tartans, I'd consider a "universal" Scottish tartan or a US state tartan.

    The only "real" one of course is the 79th New York, a Federal Infantry regiment, which wore the Cameron of Erracht tartan. While I have read of at least one antebellum Southern Highland militia unit, I have yet to find any documentation for Highland kit as part of its uniform.

    I seem to remember this tartan being designed for a member of the SCV.

    As the proud desecendant of Western Mudsills who fought for the Union, I wouldn't wear it, but I wouldn't besmirch those who do.


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    Quote Originally Posted by cajunscot View Post
    The only "real" one of course is the 79th New York, a Federal Infantry regiment. While I have read of at least one antebellum Southern Highland militia unit, I have yet to find any documentation for Highland kit as part of its uniform.

    I seem to remember this tartan being designed for a member of the SCV.

    As the proud desecendant of Western Mudsills who fought for the Union, I wouldn't wear it, but I would besmirch those who do.

    In my reenacting experience, its fairly common to see Glengarries worn around, but generally speaking you don't see organized Scots units or kilts. Or pipes. Which is a shame really.

    Hope you meant "wouldn't" besmirch those who do.

    Otherwise I and my Ramsay ancestors from Tennessee will have to be a wee bit offended.

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    Quote Originally Posted by L. Ramsay View Post
    In my reenacting experience, its fairly common to see Glengarries worn around, but generally speaking you don't see organized Scots units or kilts. Or pipes. Which is a shame really.

    Hope you meant "wouldn't" besmirch those who do.

    Otherwise I and my Ramsay ancestors from Tennessee will have be a wee bit offended.
    The 79th New York was a pre-war NY state militia unit that did wear Highland kit as part of their uniform. Historians are still debating how much of that kit was worn by the regiment during the War itself.

    I was a reenactor for over 10 years, as well as an interpretation ranger for NPS at a Civil War Battlefield, so yes, I am quite aware of reenactors wearing "farby" glengarries. A much more accurate way to display Scottish heritage is to carry a period copy of Burns poems, as one of my Mudsill ancestors did.

    When I first started reenacting, I fell for all the ethnic displays, but soon discovered in research that unless portraying an ethnic unit, where such open displays of ethnicity would be welcomed, most immigrants would not have been so zealous in their displays due to the wrath of "native Americans".

    Note the corrected post, as I am far more worried about my wife and her NOLA Creole ancestors who served in Louisiana regiments.

    Last edited by macwilkin; 9th June 10 at 08:34 PM.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by cajunscot View Post
    The 79th New York was a pre-war NY state militia unit that did wear Highland kit as part of their uniform. Historians are still debating how much of that kit was worn by the regiment during the War itself.
    It's hard to image what debate there might be, as the regiment's prewar companies had two uniforms, a Dress uniform with the kilt and a Service Dress uniform (as we would call it today) with tartan trousers.

    The additional companies recruited to bring the regiment up to full strength for war service were only ever issued the service dress.

    The full dress uniform was put aside for war service, not to be revived until after the war (in a somewhat different form).

    The same tunic was worn with both the full dress and service dress uniform, so that part of the full dress uniform was indeed worn in combat.

    Here's a photo clearly showing the difference between the two uniforms. When the regiment went to war it was dressed like the man in the centre, with tartan trousers, full dress tunic, and kepi. Photographs of 79th prisoners and a painting of 79th wounded from their first engagement agree on this point.

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    Quote Originally Posted by cajunscot View Post
    I seem to remember this tartan being designed for a member of the SCV.
    A number of my SCV brothers wear this tartan in kilt form. I've thought about it myself, but because I have so many family connections to the Highlands & Islands, I've already got too many tartans to choose from

    Nine of my Scobee's rode under the banner of John Hunt Morgan, while 3 of my Moore's served with the mighty Stonewall Brigade (one was later with Early when he burned Chambersburg). Another three of my kin rode with Quantrill out of Missouri.

    I had a 3rd great-grandfather Scobee who was a Union officer in Missouri who fought guerrillas (ironic, no?). In one engagement the lead was flying so heavy it was reported the ears of his horse was shot off!

    Being raised by Southerners, my sympathies naturally lie with the reb's, however I am proud of all of my ancestors, Blue or Gray, for they fought for what they believed in, for their own reasons, and I find no fault in that.

    As someone else said, there is no reason why you can't wear the Confederate Memorial tartan, just remember what (& whom) it stands for, and honour the memory of that terrible struggle.

    [SIZE="2"][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="DarkGreen"][B][I]T. E. ("TERRY") HOLMES[/I][/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidlpope View Post
    I've always struggled to see the rational nexus between the attire of the Scottish Highlands and the American Civil War.

    Read Celeste Ray's great book "Highland Heritage", that will help explain the nexus of Highlandism and southern traditions, although rationality doesn't really play a big part...
    Order of the Dandelion, The Houston Area Kilt Society, Bald Rabble in Kilts, Kilted Texas Rabble Rousers, The Flatcap Confederation, Kilted Playtron Group.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zardoz View Post
    Read Celeste Ray's great book "Highland Heritage", that will help explain the nexus of Highlandism and southern traditions, although rationality doesn't really play a big part...
    Here's a link of a excerpt from it. Canjunscot had referenced it also in another thread. I got my copy this week.

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    I also appreciate the sacrifice any soldier makes. Unless it goes directly against what they are taught as soldier they have to follow orders. But surely we are remembering it as a tragedy, it was a stupid war fought over pride and an unwillingness to change. One could say that some wars are necessary, but no one in their right mind would say that wars are good. It's about time people realize we are in this world together and not against each other. We have enough problems as it is.

    That being said I history shouldn't be forgotten, there are many important things we can learn from history. I just think a lot of the hatred and bitterness should be avoided at all costs.

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