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  1. #1
    Join Date
    2nd May 10
    Roseville, California
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    Kellie and MacInnes

    Hello all,

    My paternal grandmother, maiden name Kellie, was born and raised in Scotland before emigrating to the US in the early 20c. She has long ago passed. My father, when he was alive, reported that the Kellies were of the MacInnes clan. However, the only sept connection I can find for Kellie is with MacDonald. I'm not sure if he was sold a clan connection by a fast talking tourist shop operator while on vacation in Scotland, or if there is actually some family history with MacInnes.

    I attempted to contact Clan MacInnes but have not heard anything back.

    So, the question is...does anyone have any knowledge of Kellie being connected to MacInnes?

    Thanks for you help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    In my mind I tend to associate the name Kellie with the East cost of Scotland, up around Arbroath. Rather a long way from the traditional M'Donald clan lands.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Thanks MoR,

    In researching MacDonald it seems only certain Kellys/Kellies are affiliated with them.

    Unfortunately, I don't have any living relatives, who I know, on that side of my family to do direct research with. It seems I will have to get more serious about the research if I want more concrete answers.

    My mother's maiden name was MacMilllan, that I am sure of! So I am quite comfortable with my matrilineal clan lines. What's the saying "Mother's baby is father's maybe" ?

    If you happen across any other Kellie info that may be helpful to me, please send it along.

    Thanks so much for your help!


    PS. Are you getting in on the special run of MacMillan Hunting Weathered that Davd is putting together ?



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