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  1. #1
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    Lightbulb A question for the non-US X-Markers...

    This is a question for all non-US X-Markers.

    Imagine, if you will, that you are going to visit the United States for a few weeks. Cost of the airfare, hotels, meals, transportation, and other fees is not a major issue.

    Where would you like to go in the United States and what would you like to see or do?

    I'm asking because I'm taking a travel planning course and our first assignment is to put together a 3 week trip for a European couple. Rather than me put together a trip I'd like to do, I thought I'd ask my non-US friends on the forum what they'd want to see if they were visiting.

    If any Yanks want to chime in as to what they'd want to see if they were traveling around the US, thats OK, too.
    Virginia Commissioner, Elliot Clan Society, USA
    Adjutant, 1745 Appin Stewart Regiment
    Scottish-American Military Society
    US Marine (1970-1999)

  2. #2
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    This is interesting timing for me. I have never been interested in going to the US until only a few weeks ago. I reckon I would go to NYC for 3 or 4 days, then I would probably head up state and see the scenery. Then I would probably head to Washington DC, then I would probabaly visit the great lakes. After this I would probably fly to the west coast to check out the Rocky mountains and probably finish up checking out some of California.

    How does that sound?

  3. #3
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    You seem to be tending east so for that part of the trip at least I'd recommend NYC or Washington DC for the US urban experience. With any sort of sane behaviour on the part of visitors, both are tourist-safe and -friendly and it would be easy to see everything in either place if you had a year- I'm implying there is no lack of things to do. Boston is almost perfect too but perhaps a little small for a once in a lifetime visit scenario.

    On terms of your visit, I wouldn't go to upstate NY myself: depending on the time of year and the distance I wanted to go, I'd visit Vermont and/or New Hampshire. But I acknowledge a heavy bias in that regard.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Canuck of NI View Post
    You seem to be tending east so for that part of the trip at least I'd recommend NYC or Washington DC for the US urban experience. With any sort of sane behaviour on the part of visitors, both are tourist-safe and -friendly and it would be easy to see everything in either place if you had a year- I'm implying there is no lack of things to do. Boston is almost perfect too but perhaps a little small for a once in a lifetime visit scenario.

    On terms of your visit, I wouldn't go to upstate NY myself: depending on the time of year and the distance I wanted to go, I'd visit Vermont and/or New Hampshire. But I acknowledge a heavy bias in that regard.

    My hypothetical European couple will be able to go where ever they want and are not limited to any coast or region. East, West, South, North, or anywhere in between (except for Hawaii and Alaska). Everyone has their own interests, which is partly why I'm asking. Having lived and traveled throughout the US, what I'd put together might not be what a European couple would want to see.
    Virginia Commissioner, Elliot Clan Society, USA
    Adjutant, 1745 Appin Stewart Regiment
    Scottish-American Military Society
    US Marine (1970-1999)

  5. #5
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    I went to America quite a few years ago for a fortnight. We had a rather busy schedule, but it was a great experience to see many different and contrasting parts of the country in one go. We naturally chose our stops from specific things we wanted to see, like Graceland for example, which might not be of interest to all. We had two-three nights in all the major cities we visited. This is what we did:

    - Flew in to Boston, rented a car and did a day-trip down towards Fall River.
    - Train to New York. Although a couple of days only let us skim the surface, it was an absolute "must" on our list.
    - Train further down to DC. Congress, White House, Arlington etc...
    - Flew to Memphis. Day-trip to Graceland!
    - Flew down to New Orleans.
    - Flew to Las Vegas. Very touristy, but worth the visit. Rented a car here.
    - Drove to the Grand Canyon and took a heli-tour there. Drove around the whole canyon crossing at Ferry-something (I think?) and back towards Vegas.
    - Bypassed Vegas and went through Yosemite on our way to the coast stopping at Lee Vining for the night in a rented house.
    - Continued driving to the coast, hitting highway one and going up to San Fransisco for the final days before flying back home.

    The great thing about this trip was experiencing the differences in culture as we crossed the country. Naturally there are many more things to see and do, and we only got to get a little taste of each place. Did leave me wanting more, though...!

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Ignoring all the 'Entertainment' sites (Disney, Epcot, et al), what would interest me is all the places that we see on TV and in the movies. Are they like we see them or have they been so radically changed so that they could not be recognised

    New York because of CSI, Godzilla;
    The Streets of San Francisco;
    Monument Valley for every western;
    the plains for Twister and all the road films;
    the whole length of Route 66;
    the Mardi Gras;
    St Patrick's Day parade;
    the Grand Canyon;
    Niagara Falls;
    the mighty redwoods;
    the Alamo;
    it goes on and on.

    The US is full of natural beauty and I for one would like to see some of it.



  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir William View Post
    My hypothetical European couple will be able to go where ever they want and are not limited to any coast or region. East, West, South, North, or anywhere in between (except for Hawaii and Alaska). Everyone has their own interests, which is partly why I'm asking. Having lived and traveled throughout the US, what I'd put together might not be what a European couple would want to see.
    Well in VT and NH you can actually get to meet the American people more than you generally could in the east. But with unlimited funds... everything is too easy. It's like trying to pick one candy out of warehouse full. LA, Los Vegas, Palm Springs, Grand Canyon, biggest balll of twine, Miami, Blue Mountains, Seattle, Chicago, Pawtucket... naw I can't do it!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by rtc872 View Post
    This is interesting timing for me. I have never been interested in going to the US until only a few weeks ago. I reckon I would go to NYC for 3 or 4 days, then I would probably head up state and see the scenery. Then I would probably head to Washington DC, then I would probabaly visit the great lakes. After this I would probably fly to the west coast to check out the Rocky mountains and probably finish up checking out some of California.

    How does that sound?

    Excellent! Any particular place in California? Los Angeles, Hollywood, Malibu, San Francisco, Yosemite National Park...?
    Virginia Commissioner, Elliot Clan Society, USA
    Adjutant, 1745 Appin Stewart Regiment
    Scottish-American Military Society
    US Marine (1970-1999)

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir William View Post
    Excellent! Any particular place in California? Los Angeles, Hollywood, Malibu, San Francisco, Yosemite National Park...?
    I am a nature kind of guy so would like Yosemite but I would probably go check out hollywood and Malibu while there.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    I had no plans to visit USA until I went to the Edinburgh Gathering last July which led to me attending the Ventura Seaside Games in California in October. During my visit to California I also spent a few days in Santa Barbara where I stayed with a Canadian born second cousin whom I had never met before and we were joined there by her brother whom I had met previously in Canada. After the games I was hosted in LA for a few days by my fellow clan member whom I had met in Edinburgh and I got to see Hollywood.
    Having been to USA once, I am now planning to go back for a week in September of this year for my clan gathering, flying to Boston and staying at Loon Mountain Resort, Lincoln NH during the Loon Mountain Games.
    My ideal visit to USA would be visit a new area and spend time in the company of Americans who would be my guides and would show me the sights of their home country. I would not want to visit one of the hot states such as Florida, Texas and Arizona during high summer but it would be nice to visit these places in spring or autumn. As a railfan, Colorado would be high on my wish list to visit the Cumbres & Toltec Railroad and the Silverton & Durango Railroad.
    Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.

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