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View Poll Results: What kilt would you get?

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  • Scotweb 8 yard

    20 57.14%
  • Burnett & Struth casual

    3 8.57%
  • USA Kilt 5 yard

    12 34.29%
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  1. #1
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    Tartans, companies and Auld Scotland oh my!

    Hi everyone, I have two kilts now in the modern MacEwan tartan. I have a J. Higgins for the nice events and a sportkilt for times that I may get dirty. I hate the SportKilt btw.
    Now I have my eye on the Auld Scotland tartan. I am open to other tartans but I want one with a country gentleman flavor. I like earthy colors. Any suggestions?

    Second I am looking at the following companies
    1) Scotweb 8 yard kilt for $385
    2) Burnett & Struth Casual kilt for $325
    3) USA Kilt 5 yard wool kilt for $320

    Now I wanted to spend $200 to $300 give or take. But the price on the 8 yard Scotweb kilt is just so tempting. So question two = what kilt/company do you guys recommend?
    (I know USA Kilt is good because I know James Lynch from the Dropkick Murphys and 2 years ago when they played in Providence RI we went back stage with him and I was able to check out Scruffy's kilt.)

    Also I have noticed that the Auld Scotland tartan looks different with each company. Any info about this. Are they just different pictures but the are all the same tartan?

  2. #2
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    Beware scotweb as although their kilts are great you will get hit with a customs tariff of 50-60usd because they iNsist oN shipping fedex or ups.

    Check the scotweb site tartan search to see who weaves Auld Scotland and in what weights.


  3. #3
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    Oh, tough call on what kilt company to go with. USA Kilts is great, and made in the USA. Scotweb is nice. Tartanweb has great deals and awesome products. Ah.....just to darn complicated. Flip a coin!

  4. #4
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    I'd go for quality and get the 8-yard Scottish made product from Scotweb.
    Though as you are based in the USA you need to allow for the additional cost of carriage and import tariffs if you are buying from Scotland.
    I have two five yard kilts from Scotweb which are good value for money and good quality.
    I also have a USA Kilts semi-traditional and I can recommend their quality, workmanship and value for money.
    Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.

  5. #5
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    Auld Scotland is a trade tartan woven exclusively by Lochcarron so the cloth should look identical no matter who makes the kilt.

    Also unless you want something box pleated I would stay away from the lower yardage kilts. Having examined the kiltmaking methods used by all three companies I would suggest that Scotweb's is a better kilt. USAK comes next but the 5 yarder is not made with the internal reinforcement that is crucial to an heirloom garment. B/S' casual is lacking the attention to detail in the pleating and laying out of the garment that Rocky will give it.

  6. #6
    M. A. C. Newsome is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hothir Ethelnor View Post
    Auld Scotland is a trade tartan woven exclusively by Lochcarron so the cloth should look identical no matter who makes the kilt.

    Also unless you want something box pleated I would stay away from the lower yardage kilts. Having examined the kiltmaking methods used by all three companies I would suggest that Scotweb's is a better kilt. USAK comes next but the 5 yarder is not made with the internal reinforcement that is crucial to an heirloom garment. B/S' casual is lacking the attention to detail in the pleating and laying out of the garment that Rocky will give it.
    I must have missed this comment last time I looked at the thread. But just for the record, if anyone is ever interested in a lower yardage knife pleated kilt that does have internal reinforcement, careful pleat layout, etc., I do make those as well as box pleated kilts. Just be aware that right now I'm working on an approximate 6 month wait time.


    Also, the casual kilts we sell at the Scottish Tartans Museum, while they do not have internal reinforcement, are entirely hand stitched and the pleat layout is very nicely done. And they can be had within two months, usually. :-)

    I'm not trying to deter anyone from any other vendor mentioned in this thread. I'm just responding to the particular points above about lower-yardage kilts.

  7. #7
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    Given your listed options--hmmm, maybe Scotweb? But have you thought about having it made by Matt Newsome? He'd get my vote.
    [I][B]Ad fontes[/B][/I]

  8. #8
    NorCalPiper is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Here's my Box Pleat in "Auld Scotland". It is my favorite tartan at the moment, and when I wear it out-I just get one complement after the other!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by NorCalPiper View Post
    Here's my Box Pleat in "Auld Scotland". It is my favorite tartan at the moment, and when I wear it out-I just get one complement after the other!

    Oh that is nice! Who made yours? I'm liking the box pleating. it's different. I'll have to ask matt what he would charge. Thanks for the pics!

  10. #10
    NorCalPiper is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Thanks-Yeah, this is my brand kilt, not MAtt's (Although Matt's Box Pleats are nothing short of INCREDIBLE). I'm not a paying vendor anymore, so I can't go into the details. None-the-less, you certainly will not go wrong with ANY maker and this tartan!! A real head turner!

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