11th January 11, 04:48 PM
11th January 11, 04:48 PM
11th January 11, 04:50 PM
11th January 11, 04:51 PM
11th January 11, 04:51 PM
11th January 11, 04:53 PM
11th January 11, 05:37 PM
Yes, the flooding has made the U.S news, but in many cases in the "Page 3 Inter- national News" column. Right now there are other domestic matters commanding our attention. From what I read, the UK papers are giving it a bit more intensive coverage; I cannot speak for Canadian coverage.
I just heard from a business friend in Paradise Point, perhaps 35 miles south of Brisbane but also right on the water. He says he's not flooded yet, but the combination of seasonal "king" tides, the high water in the hill country and still more rain to come are not encouraging. He and his wife are ready to bug-out on a moment's notice should the order be given.
The You-tube link you posted has gained some steam here and is being forwarded around by many.
On a personal note, I commend the Australian national response to the disaster. Everything I read shows your government to be taking this very seriously and pulling all the stops to protect life and property. (Yeah, I'm thinking back to how badly we failed in New Orleans a few years ago.) Of course people will still say they didn't do enough, but good on ya' anyway.
Best of luck to you and yours. Stay dry and stay safe.
11th January 11, 06:14 PM
Looks like your in the Toowoomba area mate? Hear it got really freaky up there. be assured that the rest of Australia are pulling together to sort this out and make sure you end up ok. Stay safe
Shoot straight you bastards. Don't make a mess of it. Harry (Breaker) Harbord Morant - Bushveldt Carbineers
11th January 11, 06:20 PM
 Originally Posted by Downunder Kilt
Looks like your in the Toowoomba area mate? Hear it got really freaky up there. be assured that the rest of Australia are pulling together to sort this out and make sure you end up ok. Stay safe
I have a friend in Toowoomba that I haven't heard from in a couple of days...
11th January 11, 08:17 PM
Cajunscot - if you know their street address I'm happy to do a doorknock to make sure that they're ok. You can PM me if you like.
Downunder Kilt, yes I'm in toowoomba. Lots of lives lost, and huge property damage. Five out of sixteen team members have lost their cars, and one of those who lost her car also lost her house (it's been demolished). Another whose six month old car was destroyed yesterday now has water through her house in brisbane too.
The whole place is a mess - Australia can really use your prayers and thoughts at this time!
For those who understand, no explanation is necessary; for those who don't, none is possible.
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