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  1. #1
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    What's the most affordable kilt I can trash?

    Ok, now that I have your attention please, take a deep breath, and let me explain! I have a kilt, but I want to purchase an ole cheapy one for like, goin out to the pubs and such. One that I can sit on the pleats for a few hours and not stress that I am ruining my good kilts. However, I would like one that will keep its pleats/or be easily restored if possible. Any suggestions?
    [-[COLOR="DimGray"]Floreat Majestas[/COLOR]-|-[COLOR="Red"]Semper Vigilans[/COLOR]-|-[COLOR="Navy"]Aut Pax Aut Bellum[/COLOR]-|-[I][B]Go mbeannai Dia duit[/B][/I]-]
    [COLOR="DarkGreen"][SIZE="2"]"I consider looseness with words no less of a defect than looseness of the bowels."[/SIZE][/COLOR] [B]- John Calvin[/B]

  2. #2
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    An X-Kilt or any of the modern kilts. (you could do an x-kilt in tartan)

    Take a look at the diy forums.

    Ignoring your time, you can get materials for one for under $30.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    It's not super cheap, but my vote on a kilt for pubs, games, etc. always goes to USA Kilts casual model. They are by far the easiest to take care of, there's a teflon coating(mine still have no stains) and they look good and last. Plus they are made to measure, so they'll fit right! Add in the choices of tartans Rocky offers, and it's really a bargain.

    Stillwater Standard or Economy is a good choice as long as bonfires aren't in your plans.

    Sportkilt is okay, but by the time you get a few features added in to make it a decent kilt you're in the same price range as the USAK casual anyway.

    X-kilt, while you will have to put some work into it, is by far the cheapest. I've made one for as little as 15 bucks when I got materials on a good sale. Most likely you're looking at 30-40 dollars and a couple of evenings work.
    The grass is greener on the other side of the fence...and it's usually greenest right above the septic tank.

  4. #4
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    I would say go for a PV casual from skyehighlandoutfitters or USAKilts. You can also go for a SportKilt but in my opinion SportKilts should be left to the sports.

  5. #5
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    Thanks guys! Great advice! I just want to wear a kilt more often, but when I go to the local pub I am there for a few hours just sitting. Side question, while I have you guys.

    Bar stool, what's the proper way to sit, kilted, on a barstool? I'm tempted to have the pleats hang around the back, but that means ill basically be sitting underwear to leather, unless one goes regimental! Which I suppose noone wants. lol
    [-[COLOR="DimGray"]Floreat Majestas[/COLOR]-|-[COLOR="Red"]Semper Vigilans[/COLOR]-|-[COLOR="Navy"]Aut Pax Aut Bellum[/COLOR]-|-[I][B]Go mbeannai Dia duit[/B][/I]-]
    [COLOR="DarkGreen"][SIZE="2"]"I consider looseness with words no less of a defect than looseness of the bowels."[/SIZE][/COLOR] [B]- John Calvin[/B]

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Born in Glasgow, Scotland currently S.Yorkshire England UK and part time Gambia W Africa
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    Quote Originally Posted by Burly Brute View Post
    Thanks guys! Great advice! I just want to wear a kilt more often, but when I go to the local pub I am there for a few hours just sitting. Side question, while I have you guys.

    Bar stool, what's the proper way to sit, kilted, on a barstool? I'm tempted to have the pleats hang around the back, but that means ill basically be sitting underwear to leather, unless one goes regimental! Which I suppose noone wants. lol
    Here is a suggestion if you wish to be a "true Scot"

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Barstool: just plop yourself on the seat on your pleats it will be fine. You don't want to try to sweep the pleats on sit on the stool itself

    Now about a kilt unless your going out doing something stupid I just wear my kilts to the pub and Im fine, the only time I got my good kilts dirty was when I dropped my tea (supper) on it. I think I better quality kilt looks and feels better when your wearing it.
    Just my tuppence. Jordan
    Last edited by Jordan; 28th January 11 at 03:03 PM. Reason: More info
    The hielan' man he wears the kilt, even when it's snowin';
    He kens na where the wind comes frae,
    But he kens fine where its goin'.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    I'm glad this question has come up. I've been meaning to ask it too, although my intentions are slightly different.

    I do a lot of hiking, and am planning a couple of serious backpacking trips this year that I plan to do kilted. So my hiking kilt will get dirty and be expected to stand up to some abuse. I normally wear a Utilikilt for this, but would like to have a more traditional tartan kilt to abuse (I ain't doing it in my expensive tank!).

    PV is not an option. I've already owned a PV casual kilt, and I find the material to be way too thin and light for my tastes. I like a thicker, heavier material (preferably in the 16oz or heavier range).

    I love the price and choices of SWK. Acrylic would be fine, since I don't do campfires (the only fire would be my small stove), but I'd probably go with their 'heavy' wool kilt. The problem with SWK is that they don't make kilts in my size. Their standard length is about 2" too long, leaving me with the option of having to wear it way higher than I want, or paying someone to do a hem job that may end up looking like crap.

    I may end up having to go with a SWK and finding someone to do a decent hem job (since they don't offer it), even though I'd rather avoid it. But does anybody else make an el-cheapo kilt that's good and heavy, preferably that can be made-to-order instead of "standard sizes" that don't fit me?

    And on that subject, the SWK website is not very informative as to hip measurements. If I order a 34" waist kilt, how much do they add for the hip? All their pictures make the kilts look like they have very minimal flare for hips... they almost look like tubes instead of kilts. Does anyone know their typical formula for hip size based on waist size?

    Also, what's the weight of the wool on their heavy wool kilt?

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tobus View Post
    I'm glad this question has come up. I've been meaning to ask it too, although my intentions are slightly different.

    I do a lot of hiking, and am planning a couple of serious backpacking trips this year that I plan to do kilted. So my hiking kilt will get dirty and be expected to stand up to some abuse. I normally wear a Utilikilt for this, but would like to have a more traditional tartan kilt to abuse (I ain't doing it in my expensive tank!).

    PV is not an option. I've already owned a PV casual kilt, and I find the material to be way too thin and light for my tastes. I like a thicker, heavier material (preferably in the 16oz or heavier range).

    I love the price and choices of SWK. Acrylic would be fine, since I don't do campfires (the only fire would be my small stove), but I'd probably go with their 'heavy' wool kilt. The problem with SWK is that they don't make kilts in my size. Their standard length is about 2" too long, leaving me with the option of having to wear it way higher than I want, or paying someone to do a hem job that may end up looking like crap.

    I may end up having to go with a SWK and finding someone to do a decent hem job (since they don't offer it), even though I'd rather avoid it. But does anybody else make an el-cheapo kilt that's good and heavy, preferably that can be made-to-order instead of "standard sizes" that don't fit me?

    And on that subject, the SWK website is not very informative as to hip measurements. If I order a 34" waist kilt, how much do they add for the hip? All their pictures make the kilts look like they have very minimal flare for hips... they almost look like tubes instead of kilts. Does anyone know their typical formula for hip size based on waist size?

    Also, what's the weight of the wool on their heavy wool kilt?
    Well, the simplest way to get the answer to these questions would be to call SWK. I have a couple of times for various reasons, and they are quite nice people to talk to. Steve even told me the secret of his delievery speed, but I have been sworn to silence.

    Geoff Withnell
    Geoff Withnell

    "My comrades, they did never yield, for courage knows no bounds."
    No longer subject to reveille US Marine.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff Withnell View Post
    Steve (from SWK) even told me the secret of his delievery speed, but I have been sworn to silence.

    Geoff Withnell
    Changlings. A boggan or two is marvelous around the shop and there's probay a Nocker or two busy away in the back.

    But don't let him know I let the fae out of the bag. ;)

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