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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Oklahoma State University Tartan

    Hello all Im looking for a supplier that has the OSU tartan Kilt available - I know they have one as I was doing a search and came across it one day - Just so happens that OSU and my Beloved Baltimore Orioles have the same color scheme and Id love a Kilt to wear when I attend games this spring, summer early and hey I can dream LATE Fall. So anyone out there that knows where I can obtain this kilt please feel free to contact me

    John Elliott
    Elliot Clan Society USA 3388
    Alexandria, VA
    " I have never met a stranger, or atleast no one stranger than myself"

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Melbourne,Victoria Australia
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    From the registration notes on the Scottish Register of Tartans the sample of the tartan was woven by Lochcarron. There are also restrictions on the tartan in that it is a corporate tartan for OSU. I would gather you would have to get permission from them before trying to get some woven. I don't know what Lochcarrons minimum weave run is but I would think it would be substantial.

    Dalgliesh do smaller runs, 4 yards+ but obviously you pay a bit of a premium.
    I suggest you contact OSU first, they may have some or can set you in the right direction.
    Shoot straight you bastards. Don't make a mess of it. Harry (Breaker) Harbord Morant - Bushveldt Carbineers

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    If there are copyright restrictions, you will likely have to get permission from the school to weave the tartan.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    OSU tartan

    The OSU tartan was apparently woven in 2007 by Pendleton for scarves or
    blankets for stadium use. The bookstore site did not list fabric availability,
    but a fan forum linked an article about it, and the comment to contact
    the office of licensing and trademarks. That office lists Kurtis Mason, at
    kurtis.mason@okstate.edu Message sent about your interest,
    suggesting post here. You could e-mail him direct.

    Happy hunting.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    All that information is helpful... but the OP did ask where he could go to get one. Rocky at USA Kilts would be able to get the material I would be willing to bet, so long as you have the appropriate permission! Matt at the Scottish Tartans Museum as well.
    "Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    3389 Schuylkill Rd, Spring City, PA 19475
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    First thing to do is to get permission. Without proof of permission, none of the mills will weave it (they'll send the order email back and ask for permission before putting the order on the schedule).

    If you ordered it from us, the first thing we'd do is contact the sales manager at Lochcarron and ask who ordered the material last time and if they had any left and what their contact details were. This way, you're not wading through secretaries and people in the school's copyright office who have no idea where to go for the answer... you're jumping to the individual who DID the ordering.

    Next we'd email him and see if any cloth was left and if he'd be willing to sell some. If not, then we'd ask for permission to do a SINGLE KILT LENGTH for 1 customer. MANY times, when a tartan is copyrighted, the copyright holder will allow small lengths. They just don't want a retailer weaving HUNDREDS of yards of it and making money off their design.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by RockyR View Post
    First thing to do is to get permission. Without proof of permission, none of the mills will weave it (they'll send the order email back and ask for permission before putting the order on the schedule). ...
    I can personally attest to Rocky's comments. He and I worked out getting permission from Michigan State University to have a single use weave of the MSU tartan for the specific use of making me a kilt. MSU had done the same as other schools have done back in 2005 to sell a few scarfs and blankets for the 150 year anniversary of the school. When I contacted the Copyright office, I just explained what I wanted and how it was for my single use and not to be resold. I also mentioned that it would be a great way for me to express my love of MSU while also paying tribute to my heritage.

    This is infact, the genesis of my screen name...

    If you desire an Oklahoma State University tartan for your beloved Orioles, you might leave that point out

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan Tartan View Post
    I can personally attest to Rocky's comments. He and I worked out getting permission from Michigan State University to have a single use weave of the MSU tartan for the specific use of making me a kilt. MSU had done the same as other schools have done back in 2005 to sell a few scarfs and blankets for the 150 year anniversary of the school. When I contacted the Copyright office, I just explained what I wanted and how it was for my single use and not to be resold. I also mentioned that it would be a great way for me to express my love of MSU while also paying tribute to my heritage.

    This is infact, the genesis of my screen name...

    If you desire an Oklahoma State University tartan for your beloved Orioles, you might leave that point out
    Or PURPOSEFULLY bring up that point...

    "My friend went to MSU and THEY let him weave the cloth for a kilt. Do you really want me to be shown up by an MSU alum?"

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by RockyR View Post
    Or PURPOSEFULLY bring up that point...

    "My friend went to MSU and THEY let him weave the cloth for a kilt. Do you really want me to be shown up by an MSU alum?"

    Yes...with that in mind DO mention it!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by RockyR View Post
    Or PURPOSEFULLY bring up that point...

    "My friend went to MSU and THEY let him weave the cloth for a kilt. Do you really want me to be shown up by an MSU alum?"

    My OSU- Ohio State- just uses Royal Stewart. That used to bum me out just a little, but it does seem to clear up some small problems...
    "Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.

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