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  1. #1
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    Advice on a planned outfit for a parade. Servicemen please chime in.

    Ok Boys and Girls, here is the deal -

    I work at a local Renn Faire that runs through Memorial Day. I generally do not wear a Kilt to the faire, because I am in the forge all day. But every year on Memorial Day, they gather up the Veterans (both employees and patrons) and we participate in a Parade throughout the Faire campus, wearing yellow sashes. Some people wear military accoutrement, and one gentlemen even wears his actual Korean War era Chief Petty Officer's uniform complete with Thompson Sub.

    This year, I really want to do something special to honor both my service, but mostly those who went before me. With my tax refund, I will be ordering an Edzell 5yd wool kilt from USAK. With it, I would like to wear one of my old Dungaree shirts, dixie cup, flight deck boots, with some gaiters. I would only wear it for the parade and remove it directly after (I gotta get back to work!).

    Do you guys think that this would be in bad form? Disrespectful? or A-Ok?

  2. #2
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    Sounds good to me! Do what makes you happy & what seems right to you

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Thirsty Viking View Post
    I would like to wear one of my old Dungaree shirts, dixie cup, flight deck boots, with some gaiters.
    ...just don't be offended if someone asks about your costume...

  4. #4
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    Actually... I have rethought this outfit, and decided instead on the Summer White button down shirt, white hat, Dress shoes and kilt hose.

    It is more formal, and wont look as "costumey"

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Thirsty Viking View Post
    Actually... I have rethought this outfit, and decided instead on the Summer White button down shirt, white hat, Dress shoes and kilt hose.

    It is more formal, and wont look as "costumey"
    As a former Blue Shirt, this sounds cool to me. Wish I still had that stuff (wish I could still fit in it too.) I'm at Scarborough Fair all the time as well (as a patron, I'm from DFW as well) and I'll be in my Edzell for this year's parade.

  6. #6
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    Wear a kilt every year in our local Veteran's Day parade - to honor the service of members of my family - and sometimes my own meager service.

    Wore the Edzell Semi-trad in PV from Rocky a couple years ago...(did some NROTC time in college) but mostly to honor my father's Navy service in 1937, my Uncle's career as a naval aviator, and my cousin's Annapolis history and Vietnam service as a Naval Aviator. So the result came out ecclectic, but it worked for me and none of the other vets complained.

    Go for whatever (excuse the pun) floats your boat.

    Ol' Macdonald himself, a proud son of Skye and Cape Breton Island
    Lifetime Member STA. Two time winner of Utilikiltarian of the Month.
    "I'll have a kilt please, a nice hand sewn tartan, 16 ounce Strome. Oh, and a sporran on the side, with a strap please."

  7. #7
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    Thanks River.

    And I really like the Lettermen's jacket you got there. I was just concerned about looking like the "Silly Kid not taking it seriously". I am 30, but I look younger, and there seems to be a prevalence of people who forget that you dont have to be older to be a veteran.

  8. #8
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    I suppose that I am too much a ex British Soldier when it comes to comments on Parade Dress. My preference would be the second choice, then, it is a parade and not a walk through the Hills. I dont understand many of the terms for clothing in the US, what is a white hat?? To me, the only headwear that goes with a kilt is Bonnet, Gengarry or go bareheaded.

  9. #9
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    scarby is a great fair! if you can squeeze it in...come by the scottish cottage after the parade for "pay" im sure everyone there will be glad to have ya!
    there is no such thing as bad weather..only inadequite clothing!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by theborderer View Post
    I suppose that I am too much a ex British Soldier when it comes to comments on Parade Dress. My preference would be the second choice, then, it is a parade and not a walk through the Hills. I dont understand many of the terms for clothing in the US, what is a white hat?? To me, the only headwear that goes with a kilt is Bonnet, Gengarry or go bareheaded.
    I'm with you, for the same reasons (17/21 Lancers - I preferred riding to walking). I also spent a lot of my life at sea, first of all at the fishing, then merchant navy. Not many places I won't wear the kilt but somehow ships/boats and kilts don't mix for me....

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