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Thread: Curling Tams

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Scotland, Ontario, Canada
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    Curling Tams

    Growing up in small town Canada the curling club, or the hockey rink was where everything happened in the winter time. I was raised in a curling family and curled in high school. My father was very serious and actually competed in the MacDonald Brier in the '60's (world curling championships of that day). My mother was in a women's league and they curled together in a mixed league.

    In those days the traditional dress for the "Roaring Game" was a bold knit cardigan sweater with patches of your club and big bonspiel wins and an Scottish Tammy style hat.

    I ended up "liberating" my Dad's old Tammy and for thirty years it has been my favourite winter hat. I wore it all through university, skiing, snowshoeing, hunting and fishing in cold weather. It is 100% wool, warm and pretty waterproof. I figure it must be nearly 50 years old now and falling apart. I would love to get another but it seems the company may have recently closed. I can find reference to a website but it seems to be inactive.

    It was made by Dorothea Knitting Mills of Toronto and the lining says Fleur de Lis Curling Tam 100% Pure Wool. I would love to find another or something very similar. No wonder they are out of business if their product last 50 years!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I'm very curious. Post of pic of you wearing it, please.

  3. #3
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    I will try. I am new to the site and have not investigated posting photos yet. However, I am sure there are instructions on here somewhere. I will investigate and try to post pictures of this great old hat.

  4. #4
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    I'll send a pm.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I found a magazine article from 2002 indicating the Dorothea had branched out into other businesses under the name Parkhurst. And look what Amazon carries, courtesy of the Village Hat Shop:
    Parkhurst curling tam

    I also saw search results from other suppliers of Parkhurst tams. Search "Dorothea Parkhurst" if you want to see proof that the two companies are the same.
    Proudly Duncan [maternal], MacDonald and MacDaniel [paternal].

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by sydnie7 View Post
    I found a magazine article from 2002 indicating the Dorothea had branched out into other businesses under the name Parkhurst. And look what Amazon carries, courtesy of the Village Hat Shop:
    Parkhurst curling tam

    I also saw search results from other suppliers of Parkhurst tams. Search "Dorothea Parkhurst" if you want to see proof that the two companies are the same.
    If that item is representative of "curling tams", they don't seem all that different from the knit tams available from various vendors:


    "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." ~ Benjamin Franklin

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Well thank you for your research Gentlemen. The Parkhurst curling Tam on Amazon looks exactly like my old one and it does say its made in Canada. I ordered two just now. They ship from California which seems kind of crazy for an item made just 60 KM east of me but I can't find another retailer listing. Perhaps they are no longer made and this store just has inventory. The shipping is a bit expensive on the other hand I could see me wasting a ton of time looking further.

    When they get here I will report back if the quality is as good as my old one. The original has lasted 50 years, with two in hand I think I might just be set for life!
    Last edited by Singlemalt; 13th March 11 at 05:19 PM.

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