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  1. #1
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    Hose: To Contrast, Complement and Harmonize

    Hi all.


    What are your thoughts on the pairing these colours together?

    Clergy Ancient Tartan Kilt.

    Lewis Red Ancient hose. (On sale with Scottish Tartan Museum)

    I do not have the hose and the kilt is still in the works though I have some pieces of the tartan LC. I usually wear charcoal hose or black hose if its something where folks would be in dark suits. I like to wear lovat green or ancient blue hose if it’s a lighter mood. I also like khaki-OD hose for runnin round. All of these, I think would look good with the Ancient Clergy in different contexts.

    The idea of the Ancient Red, which looks orange to me in a kind of Ancient pallet, is to be the “over the top” colour. Pulled out for those times when a contrasting and bold hose would be more appropriate. And a question maybe, is contrasting hose appropriate in your mind? My feeling is that this would actually be pushing the edges of THCD though I have tended to be a more “conservative” THCD’er I am interested in some simple innovation.

    I was actually taken by the THCD Photo Examples thread David started. http://www.xmarksthescot.com/forum/f...xamples-63059/

    Noticing particularly the diced hose of J.D. Burgess, MBE. The way the colours work yet to my eye they don’t harmonize but complement leaning towards some contrast and I really like that.

    Which brings me to the general questions:

    What do people think about:

    Harmonizing with Colour Hose?
    Complementing with Colour Hose?
    Contrasting with Colour Hose?

    And as always, pictures well appreciated.


  2. #2
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    Red hose are always a good idea.

    When given a choice, most people will choose.

  3. #3
    M. A. C. Newsome is offline

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    As I said in my email to you, if you are looking for a red-toned hose that would tone well with that tartan, I'd recommend the claret over the orange of the "ancient red." My reason is that the claret has "cooler" tones that I think correspond better to the kilt, whereas the orange is a warmer color.

    Purple would also work well!

  4. #4
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    I like the ancient blue, or a pair of diced ancient blue/black or ancient blue/charcoal hose if you want to go through the trouble of getting a custom pair made up. The Black and charcoal solid pipers hose would also look nice as you have mentioned.

    I personally like to keep the red to my flashes with a kilt that has no red in it or only a small percentage of overall coloration as red. Just one man's O.

  5. #5
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    Matt has beaten me to the draw, but I agree, claret is the way to go in my view, if a"red tone" is the route you want to go down.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

  6. #6
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    My opinion is probably wildly unpopular, but I just can't learn to like red hose. It's too garish. And it is not a flattering color on a man's lower legs. No matter which hue of red it is, I just can't find it attractive at all. It messes up the balance of color and looks like a caricature.

    To me, red is only best as a predominant color when it's the tartan that's predominantly red. In all other applications, red is best as an accent color only, and should be done in small doses for good taste.

    I much prefer a hose color that complements the tartan (not necessarily matching it). The tartan kilt should be the center of attention, not yer lower legs! I do make exception for tartan/diced hose in red hues that goes with the kilt.

    Again, that's my opinion only, but you did ask!

  7. #7
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    Red hose of any hue is a vibrant choice and can work well, but I always see it as a little more dressy.

  8. #8
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    Thank you all for your ideas.

    I can see why Matt and Jock would direct me towards the Claret Hose. It does keep things in the same side of the colour wheel, cool. That is a complementing direction and looks well done.

    Forrester, keeping it matching or complimenting and Tobus too though with a caveat of diced.

    dbh and X both preferring all Reds a Go.

    Is there a place for contrast?

    I am thinking also of how I used to wear a tie (and hope to again). Sometimes preferring complementing but for fun, choosing contrasting.

    What do you think a good contrasting colour might be against this tartan?


  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tobus View Post
    My opinion is probably wildly unpopular, but I just can't learn to like red hose. It's too garish.....Again, that's my opinion only, but you did ask!
    Tobus, you have hit a large nail squarely on the head. Women frequently say men have no color sense, and this whole "red is always great, and the more the better" mindset completely ignores the most basic realities of harmony. Red, black, and white (the dyed/bleached commercial white) are all equally jarring. White has gotten a taste of repugnance built on its association with hire shops, but it's visually a better choice than red or black. I don't suggest here matchy-matchy, but anyone who hopes to achieve elegance has to come to accepting that matching ALWAYS trumps clashing. PERIOD. Matching is not required, or, frequently, even desired, but it IS better than the garish combinations thrown together by many here. Much more interesting is complementing and considering, as Jock and Matt have suggested, the "temperature" of color.

    As has been suggested, mustard hose, with possibly claret ties, could be a very interesting choice here.

    I will never tell you you CAN'T wear a particular combination, and I would never presume to berate someone on this subject. On stage I learned that with enough presence, or charisma, one can dominate bad choices with ones personal energy and carry it off, as do many native Scots. They do it as habit, supported by the energy of the land itself, and the expectation that it will be accepted. It's a little tougher in other places with different energy. The central and southern parts of Africa also support a vivid palette well. Not all locations do. Anyone CAN do it ANYWHERE, but for most it needs an understanding of the requirements. Rather like singing, some do it easily and naturally, others need a little guidance, but most can LEARN to do it more than passably well. Jock's natural, innate dignity will carry him well through many choices that might be horrendous on others.

    Apologies if anyone feels this is a rant or that it's too esoteric, it's just applied physics. You know, that stuff that keeps us alive and functional.
    Last edited by tripleblessed; 18th May 11 at 01:54 PM.

  10. #10
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    SlackerDrummer, tripleblessed.

    You are very kind, but you are crediting me with more knowledge than I am due. I have no idea of "skin tones", "warm colours", "gem colours","cool colours", what particular tone of red, green, yellow, blue or black I have in my kilt. I have no idea which colour compliments, contrasts,or harmonises with what, but I have a choice of red, blue, claret,yellow, brown and assorted green hose to choose from and I worry not which I wear.

    Although I am surprised to note that in many of my pictures here, I do seem to wear claret more often and I am not sure why. But it is not a conscious decision and I suspect its more to do that as claret were the last ones worn, therefore the last ones to be washed and last ones put in the drawer and thus nearest to hand when I need some clean hose.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 21st May 11 at 05:51 AM.
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