18th June 11, 03:36 PM
Going out in public...
So other then wearing my kilt to a famliy party the day i got the kilt, and just running to 7-11 and the likes (and have recived some very nice comments on my kilt), i have yet to go full out in public yet.......
untill today, i am about to leave the house in kilted glory to go to the REAL SALT LAKE vs DC UNITED game were about 20,000 people will be in attendance !
I would be lying if i said i was not a bit anxious and nervous at the same time. As i am a season ticket holder and nobody in my area i seat knew of my want to were a kilt.
but if i could survive a famliy party ( mostly English famly, i am first gen born in the USA, but moms side has some scottish blood) then i can survive a RSL game oh this will be fun
18th June 11, 03:46 PM
Enjoy! If you can't wear a kilt to an American soccer match, when can you wear it? I hope you have a good time... cheers!
18th June 11, 03:51 PM
Enjoy it
Just go out there and enjoy the game. I will bet you get nothing but compliments.
Lang may your lum reek and a wee mouse never leaves your cupboard with a tear in its eye.
18th June 11, 03:55 PM
 Originally Posted by Spartan Tartan
Enjoy! If you can't wear a kilt to an American soccer match, when can you wear it? I hope you have a good time... cheers! 
 Originally Posted by sevenoaks
Just go out there and enjoy the game. I will bet you get nothing but compliments.
i have no disagreement with ether of this statments, but i am still a little nervous i am 32 years old and untill this week had never wore a kilt
my wife is actually more excited than me
18th June 11, 04:29 PM
I wear mine to the FC Tampa games when I get the chance.
18th June 11, 04:41 PM
You'll do great! Just act like you've been wearing a kilt all your life. Or, pretend like you don't have one on. Well, maybe not the latter. Anyway, have a great time and don't spill beer on your tartan.
I changed my signature. The old one was too ridiculous.
18th June 11, 05:18 PM
Hopefully you will be able to handle getting your photo taken with all the pretty young ladies at the game. It is an occupational hazard of wearing a kilt.
"You'll find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view." -Obi Wan Kenobi
18th June 11, 06:09 PM
 Originally Posted by mookien
You'll do great! Just act like you've been wearing a kilt all your life. Or, pretend like you don't have one on. Well, maybe not the latter. Anyway, have a great time and don't spill beer on your tartan. 
I Agree! You might have the occasional snide remark but the congenial one's will far outweigh the negative... Happy Kilting !
18th June 11, 06:31 PM
Heck, I wore a kilt when I took my daughter to see Bruno Mars. I got the occasional odd look, but a lot of women coming up to me saying "I love a man in a kilt!"
"Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.
18th June 11, 06:35 PM
Well done, I know how you feel, but do not worry. Walk proud and confident. You won't regret it. Have a great game. 
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