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  1. #1
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    MacLean & MacLean of Duart tartan

    I hoping that I can get some answers here. I am a McLean (MacLean), whos family comes from the area of Mull. There are plenty of places that I can get a McLean Hunting kilt. The problem Im finding is that there arent many place who list the MacLean Dress.

    Is the a difference between the MacLean Dress & MacLean of Duart Dress?

    In the MacLean of Duart there are 3 tartans. Hunting (green), Dress (red) & Dress (burgandy).
    Why the 2 Dress tartans?


  2. #2
    M. A. C. Newsome is offline

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    If you are referring to the red MacLean of Duart tartan as the "dress" tartan, then there really is no difference between the "red" and "burgundy" versions. I suspect what you are calling the burgundy is actually the MacLean of Duart tartan in the muted color scheme.

    You might want to take a look at my article on tartan colors, which would explain why you see so many variations on tartans:

    As to where to buy a kilt in the MacLean of Duart tartan, any reputable kilt maker or Highland dress retailer can certainly supply that tartan, as it is woven by all the mills.

    If you don't already have a supplier in mind, might I suggest ourselves:

    Click on the "giftshop" link to enter the shop.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by M. A. C. Newsome View Post
    suspect what you are calling the burgundy is actually the MacLean of Duart tartan in the muted color scheme.
    No Sir, I am not referring to muted or weathered color tones. There is a red with green & there is a burgundy with creme. I have seen the "red" in anything from bright red to burgundy with weathering/muting. The "burgundy" I have seen has been from burgundy to light rust depending.
    In the link you can clearly see that they are different.

  4. #4
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    Knotty, the tartans you refer to on the Scotweb site are dance tartans which are only woven in 10/11oz material as standard by many of the mills (you could get a heavier weight by special order from somewhere like Dalgliesh). There are a lot of tartans where different hues are used for dancing purposes. A very good example of this is the Menzies tartan which from the last count I did was 7. Hope this clarifies some of the mystery
    Shoot straight you bastards. Don't make a mess of it. Harry (Breaker) Harbord Morant - Bushveldt Carbineers

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by knotty View Post
    No Sir, I am not referring to muted or weathered color tones. There is a red with green & there is a burgundy with creme. I have seen the "red" in anything from bright red to burgundy with weathering/muting. The "burgundy" I have seen has been from burgundy to light rust depending.
    In the link you can clearly see that they are different.
    hello Knotty,
    Dress tartans usually have a white background, replacing the usual colour. In the case of the MacLean tartan, the red is replaced with white. The tartans you are questioning are still the same Maclean sett, but the colours have been changed some.
    I have yet to see a MacLean wearing a dress tartan kilt. I have seen ladies wearing the dress tartan, as well as dancers.

    Best regards,
    Sandford MacLean

  6. #6
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    You can avoid confusions by referring to the red tartan as MacLean of Duart Red and anything with white in it as a MacLean Dress tartan.

  7. #7
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    Yep there is a dress version which isnt the red one... I know one of the books I have in the UK has it (book was my mothers and dates from the 60's)... Didnt strike me as a choice I would go for when I bought my hunting


    Welcome from another McLean btw...
    Last edited by madmacs; 22nd July 11 at 05:49 PM.

  8. #8
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    MacLean of Duart (the red one) is what you are looking for, that is our clans dress tartan. The burgundy over the white background is a dancing tartan, not really for wear beyond someone in Highland dancing, I have never seen anyone wear it. If I remember correctly there are a few Clans with "Dress dancing" tartans (all white backgrounds), but they are a relatively new creation. Matt could speak to this better than I.

  9. #9
    M. A. C. Newsome is offline

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    Thanks for the link, photos always are better for demonstrating exactly what tartan you are referring to.

    Those two are, as has already been pointed out, dance tartans. There are actually numerous different "dress" versions of the MacLean tartan which have been woven over the years, most of which were created and woven by the D. C. Dalgliesh firm in Selkirk, which specializes in dancers' tartans. These two shown are both Dalgliesh designs.

    In all but a very few cases these dance tartans have no official standing with the clan. The one exception which comes readily to mind is the Dress MacGregor tartan, which has been officially approved by the chief, specifically for Highland dancers in the MacGregor clan to wear.

    Without any knowledge to the contrary I can only assume that the dance versions of the MacLean tartan have no official clan recognition, though I'll let our fellow forum members who are active in the clan society correct me if I am wrong.

  10. #10
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    No offense intended, as well. This is what I meant to say:

    I have never seen an adult man (highland dancer or otherwise) wearing a kilt in the "MacLean Dress" tartan.
    Last edited by davidlpope; 26th July 11 at 03:06 PM.

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