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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Hawick, Scotland
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    Ladies Shawls, Scarves and Shoulder Plaids

    An unusual request here from a friend in Germany who asks whether she is wearing her tartan shawl correctly in this photo. She will be wearing it when she visits Scotland soon and she wants the shawl to look correct. I have waded through the lasses wear thread and there seems to be no hard and fast rule as to whether the ladies should wear shawls over the left or right shoulder or over both. Does anybody have any thoughts on this?
    Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Electric Scotland has a sheet on their website that they claim is the official word from The Court of The Lord Lyon.

    Not too sure I believe the claim but you can click here to see the article.
    Steve Ashton
    Skype (webcam enabled) thewizardofbc
    I wear the kilt because:
    Swish + Swagger = Swoon.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Shawls certainly are different than sashes, so I wouldn't think there are any specific "rules" or conventions governing how they should be worn.

    My wife wears a shawl on both shoulders, when she wears one. She frequently wears a pashmina, which is similar to a shawl, again over both shoulders and knotted somehow in front.

    When she wears a silk sash to balls she wears it over her right shoulder, crossed over to her left hip, then back around to her right shoulder.

    All this being said, I wouldn't dare suggest how your friend wears a tartan shawl! However she thinks looks best, or keeps her warmest, or both, is the best way.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by JSFMACLJR View Post

    All this being said, I wouldn't dare suggest how your friend wears a tartan shawl! However she thinks looks best, or keeps her warmest, or both, is the best way.

    My wife wears her tartan shawls and sashes like other shawls or drapes- whatever tends to look nice and be comfortable.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Wizard of BC View Post
    Electric Scotland has a sheet on their website that they claim is the official word from The Court of The Lord Lyon.

    Not too sure I believe the claim but you can click here to see the article.
    That sheet is no longer on the Lord Lyon's website, which is being extensively revised. A very few years ago, there was a statement on that website to the effect that the Lord Lyon did not consider tartans and/or ladies apparel to be under his preview. Now it simply lists links to appropriate websites.

    From Matt Newsome's blog: (http://kiltmaker.blogspot.com/search?q=sash)

    "As a final note about the lady's sash -- the old adage about what shoulder she wears it on denoting rank in the clan is a myth. If you are right handed, it should be worn on the left shoulder, and vice versa. Why? Because it's more practical that way!"

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lyle1 View Post
    That sheet is no longer on the Lord Lyon's website, which is being extensively revised. A very few years ago, there was a statement on that website to the effect that the Lord Lyon did not consider tartans and/or ladies apparel to be under his preview. Now it simply lists links to appropriate websites.

    From Matt Newsome's blog: (http://kiltmaker.blogspot.com/search?q=sash)

    "As a final note about the lady's sash -- the old adage about what shoulder she wears it on denoting rank in the clan is a myth. If you are right handed, it should be worn on the left shoulder, and vice versa. Why? Because it's more practical that way!"
    If I might play the devil's advocate for a moment - Lyon might not view tartans and sashes as falling under his purview, but how long does it take a myth to become a tradition? I think the way a woman wears her sash, to some, might very well be a tradition now!

    As to Alex's friend, I agree with Sandy - a shawl should be worn however is most comfortable in the situation. I admit to being a subscriber to the "mythical" guidelines for tartan sashes, though!

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