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  1. #1
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    hiking kilt suggestions

    My family and I are considering some hiking this fall and I think I've boiled it down to two or three possible choices for a hiking kilt. Now I need the rabbles help in deciding.

    1. MOD replica from WPG - pros: wool, sturdy. cons: heavy, hot, high military waist restricting my pack
    2. Stillwater Heavyweight - pros: wool, cost. Cons: fuzzy wool attracts brambles, weight, hot
    3. Sportkilt Hiker - pros: very lightweight, quick drying. Cons: no clue about fire resistance, price is high, and the thing is ugly.

    Seeing as I am considering two kilts, the other option is to buy 1 each of the hiker and stillwater, wear the hiker during the hike, switch to the swk when setting camp so I can wash and dry the thing for day 2.

    Keep in mind this is Florida. In the fall we might get some cool weather in the morning but even in the fall its pretty warm by afternoon
    Have fun and throw far. In that order, too. - o1d_dude

  2. #2
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    Joshua: If you are bound and determined to get some combination of your three candidates, then I can't help you.

    If not, I would take a hard look at one of Rocky's Casual PV kilts. I have one. It is lightweight, but not flimsy, quick drying, and looks great. You could both hike in it and wear it around the campsite.

    I lived in FL for many years and understand the heat and humidity. Good luck, whatever you decide.
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  3. #3
    Brasilikilt's Avatar
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    Hey there

    My vote is for the WPG kilt
    It is reproduction military issue kilt, which were worn in the trenches of Europe as well as the blazing climates of Egypt and India.

    Keep in mind that such heavy weight wool insulates....It keeps heat out as well as it holds it in.
    I can attest to this after wearing kilts in the stifling muggy heat of Brasil.
    Wear your kilt proudly, but carry a big stick

  4. #4
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    Just based upon that with which I have experience, I second Mookien's suggestion. You can get the USAK casual to sit at your true waist or at your jeans waist, so it doesn't interfere with your pack. Lightweight, quick-drying, durable, and it holds its pleating. At least consider it.

  5. #5
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    I have 4 Sport kilts,m 2 originals, one Ultimate and one Commando and three Stillwater kilts, two thrifty and one Standard and hike in them all the time. My favorite is the 100% cotton Sport kilt Commando. If you must have tartan the Ultimate is Incredibly comfortable. The Original Sport kilts are cheaper to but just not as fancy. I hemmed mine, sewed down the pleats and added belt loops so except for the pockets they are as nice as my Ultimate. I love my Stillwater Thrifty kilts and at 33 bucks delivered you just cant go wrong just don’t stand too close to the fire. Personally If I was back packing I would go with sport kilt originals reasonable priced light weight and cool in Florida weather.
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  6. #6
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    I typically wear a Stillwater Standard when hiking.

  7. #7
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    I've already got one of the usak casual kilts and yes they do dry quickly, but not overnight.
    That being said, maybe I'll use it for a couple of test run hikes.
    Have fun and throw far. In that order, too. - o1d_dude

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joshua View Post
    3. Sportkilt Hiker - pros: very lightweight, quick drying. Cons: no clue about fire resistance, price is high, and the thing is ugly.
    I love my sport kilt for hiking! as you already stated is light weight and great way to beat the heat. i just have a regular sport kilt, not the Hiker, so i would suggest just getting one of their other kilts in the tartan you like to avoid any unnecessary ugliness.

    I'm just wondering on why you are interested in its fire resistance qualities... what exactly are you hiking through??
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silent Raven View Post
    I love my sport kilt for hiking! as you already stated is light weight and great way to beat the heat. i just have a regular sport kilt, not the Hiker, so i would suggest just getting one of their other kilts in the tartan you like to avoid any unnecessary ugliness.

    I'm just wondering on why you are interested in its fire resistance qualities... what exactly are you hiking through??
    Simple. Use a fire at night, if a log cracks and a spark flies, I dont want to lose my only garment and have to hike out in skivvies.
    Have fun and throw far. In that order, too. - o1d_dude

  10. #10
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    I wear a 13 oz acrylic kilt for hiking. Coupled with a tekwik shirt i've been comfortable enough when the temps hit the 90s.
    I've heard PV is much more fire retardant than acrylic so I would probably go with that for sitting by the campfire.

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