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  1. #1
    Join Date
    3rd January 11
    Southern Oregon
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    October 15th, in Portland?

    I'm planning on traveling to Portland to attend a University of Portland women's soccer match on the 16th. Since the game is in the early afternoon, I'll go up on Saturday and stay the night.

    Anyone up for a gathering of the XMTS clan? How about a good place to meet? I remember someone in another thread, suggesting the Rose and Thistle Public House on NE Broadway. Although, I'm open for suggestions of places withing bicycling distance of Memorial Coliseum.
    One has no need for a snooze button, when one has a hungry cat.

    Tartan Riders, Kilted Oregon

  2. #2
    Join Date
    3rd January 11
    Southern Oregon
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    Re: October 15th, in Portland?

    Plans are firming up. Looks like I'll be spending Saturday and Sunday nights in town. Staying near the coliseum so I can easily get into downtown, the north or even northeast parts of town in short order.

    Anyone up for a Saturday evening meet up? If so, where?
    One has no need for a snooze button, when one has a hungry cat.

    Tartan Riders, Kilted Oregon

  3. #3
    Join Date
    3rd January 11
    Southern Oregon
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    Plans finalized

    I'll be in town only Saturday night, and expect to begin the evening with friends about 7:30pm at the Rose and Thistle Public House. Portland area X Markers (this includes you, Carl and vmac3205) are invited to join us. Otherwise, I may be the only kilt loving person in the place.

    Alas, I have to head home Sunday afternoon. So this is the only night I have available this trip.
    One has no need for a snooze button, when one has a hungry cat.

    Tartan Riders, Kilted Oregon

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