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  1. #1
    Join Date
    15th March 06
    Kalamazoo, Michigan
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    First Kilt Wearing in SW Michigan

    I've recently retired to SW Michigan, (Watervliet), and am in the process of getting settled in.
    Last Friday evening my wife and I attended a small music venue in South Haven (www.FoundaryHall.com) where the musical quartet An Dro played an evening of celtic, breton, and other music. Fiddle, two mandolin/guitar/hurdygurdy musicians, and a percussion player. They have only been together about a year as a group. It was all instrumental, but quite enjoyable.

    I wore my Hay kilt that I have had for several years. Since I don't have all my accessories, it was just the kilt, white hose, and black belt and sporran with a regular white shirt and black shoes. It is a very casual venue.

    There were only a dozen of us in the audience, but the evening was enjoyable. I talked to several of the musicians at the interveral and had nice comments from them. I told them the kilt and the music complemented each other.

    Better news is that Barb Tewksberry is now working on my Hay kilt in 16 oz fabric so the Jones is almost over. Pictures to follow.

    Also, received notice that our household baggage from Germany will be arriving on Thursday, which will bring the rest of my kilts and accessories, along with my leather working supplies and equipment. I'm in the middle of finishing up a Welsh Dragon sporran that I think will be nice.

    The week after our car is supposed to be here and then we will be complete.

    Looking forward to the Holiday Season and more kilted opportunities.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    17th January 09
    The Highlands of Norfolk, England
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    Re: First Kilt Wearing in SW Michigan

    Good to hear that you are losing no time in breaking the locals in. Before long they will expect you in a kilt 24/7.



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