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    hose resources for "calves of substance"

    In the spirit of Mr. Grizzly's thread a while back on tweed for the gentlemen of substance, I would like to collect some links on off-the-rack hose for the tree trunkers like myself. Feel free to contibute low, high, medium cost hose and how they fit for you

    Low-price casual hose/socks:
    Sorry to steal Nighthawk,s thunder, he introduced this company to me and I've made at leasr 3 purchases from them...
    The O'Marled and Diamond Ribbed from sockdreams.com
    The O'Marled probably get more wear than any other hose I own, they are really thigh-high socks with a earthy, marled knit. At 12 bucks a pop, I can manage having to double fold the cuff so the inside pattern matches the outside. They easily fit my 20" calves. The downside is the lack of colors, and the inside knit not matching (as I said before).
    O'Marled in Olive Green (I also have "Natural" which is a mix between American Khaki and British OG:

    The Diamond Ribbed are a fantastic warm weather hose, but the lack of a cuff relegates these to "scrunched hose" duty when I am going full casual with a boot. Colors are awesome, hose is a bit short and a little tight on my legs. 8 bucks a pair for these.
    Diamond Ribbed in Burnt Orange:

    Hand-knit Aran hose from USAKilts.com
    Probably some of the most handsome and warmest hose I own, these are very, very thick and they fit great on me. The being said, I live in a subtropic climate so they don't get worn often until this time of the year. They are pure wool so mine get washed in the sink and hung to dry after extended wearings. The cable-knit extends down the whole foot, so for a day spent on your feet, they may not be the best choice...these hose are 70 bucks a pop, so take good care of them and dont throw them in the washer.

    USAK Hand-Knit in Sage Green (Sorry for the crappy pic here):
    Last edited by Joshua; 12th December 11 at 06:52 PM.
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  2. #2
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    Re: hose resources for "calves of substance"

    Quote Originally Posted by Joshua View Post

    Low-price casual hose/socks:
    Sorry to steal Nighthawk,s thunder, he introduced this company to me and I've made at leasr 3 purchases from them...
    You're welcome, sir. Here's another good one:


    They're not the highest quality, but they look good and they're nice and stretchy. Just to clarify, my calves are 21 inches... until they flex. And then they grow a good half inch. And then there is this:


    The largest sizes are perfect for me! They fit well, and don't pinch when I walk, which is nice.
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    Re: hose resources for "calves of substance"

    Added some pixs. Thanks for the links Nighthawk...

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  4. #4
    M. A. C. Newsome is offline

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    Re: hose resources for "calves of substance"

    Quote Originally Posted by Nighthawk View Post
    And then there is this:


    The largest sizes are perfect for me! They fit well, and don't pinch when I walk, which is nice.
    Thanks for the link, Nighthawk! Though I will also add that for men with large calves (over 16" in circumference), we do recommend the Skye hose, which come in the same range of colors:

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    Re: hose resources for "calves of substance"

    Quote Originally Posted by M. A. C. Newsome View Post
    Thanks for the link, Nighthawk! Though I will also add that for men with large calves (over 16" in circumference), we do recommend the Skye hose, which come in the same range of colors:
    I may have to try a pair of those!
    "Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.

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    Re: hose resources for "calves of substance"

    Has anyone with BIG calves but small ankles tried any of these these? My calves are around 18", but my ankles are only 10".

    Sometimes the "Larger Crafted" socks add too much material elsewhere and end up baggy in the ankle.

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    Re: hose resources for "calves of substance"

    Quote Originally Posted by artificer View Post
    Has anyone with BIG calves but small ankles tried any of these these? My calves are around 18", but my ankles are only 10".

    Sometimes the "Larger Crafted" socks add too much material elsewhere and end up baggy in the ankle.
    I hadn't thought about that, Scot! I just measured my ankles. They're 11 inches, and while my Lewis hose do have a little extra material around my ankle, it's not enough to bother me. I just pull them up tight, tie on a pair of Big Mikey's garters, and the extra disappears!

    And by the way, with my calves, I avoid Gealic Themes and most piper's hose. They don't have nearly enough stretch. My wife loves Gaelic Themes... but she doesn't have monster calves either!
    "Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.

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    Re: hose resources for "calves of substance"

    Quote Originally Posted by Nighthawk View Post
    I hadn't thought about that, Scot! I just measured my ankles. They're 11 inches, and while my Lewis hose do have a little extra material around my ankle, it's not enough to bother me. I just pull them up tight, tie on a pair of Big Mikey's garters, and the extra disappears!

    And by the way, with my calves, I avoid Gealic Themes and most piper's hose. They don't have nearly enough stretch. My wife loves Gaelic Themes... but she doesn't have monster calves either!
    Hmm, that's what I was afraid of. I'm tempted to try selective shrinking with warm water, but wouldn't want to do it on the Lewis hose.

    Being off that extra 1" of diameter makes a big difference in fit. I think someone needs to come out with "Athletic Fit" kilt hose. Wide calves but narrow ankles.

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    Re: hose resources for "calves of substance"

    I've never measured my ankles, but you can see from the pics there is quite a discrepency beetwen my ankle and calf size. The USAKilt aran hose is a tad loose around the ankles.. all the others I mentioned don't seem to have that problem.
    Have fun and throw far. In that order, too. - o1d_dude

  10. #10
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    Re: hose resources for "calves of substance"

    Quote Originally Posted by Joshua View Post
    I've never measured my ankles, but you can see from the pics there is quite a discrepency beetwen my ankle and calf size. The USAKilt aran hose is a tad loose around the ankles.. all the others I mentioned don't seem to have that problem.
    My hose from WB Socks don't have that problem, either. They're narrow, but stretch to fit. The WB's fit perfectly in the ankle and stretch to fit my calves.
    "Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.

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