5th January 12, 10:03 AM
That's the way I roll!!
I ran my gas powered barstool at the 4H Ag fair in town last July 31st. On the next run, After the racing garden tractors, I fell off and broke my arm. Too hard to wear kilt with arm in sling. But I'm much better now.
6th January 12, 07:09 AM
Re: That's the way I roll!!
Alright, I've watched the video and have only two questions. First, Why? Second, where can I get one?! That looks like more fun than mini mower races, which are a blast to watch and even more of a blast to do.
I wish I believed in reincarnation. Where's Charles Martel when you need him?
6th January 12, 07:14 AM
Re: That's the way I roll!!
This will set you up for life with one of the most unusual "how I broke my arm" stories ever! I hope you mend quickly and can back to kilting!
7th January 12, 09:19 PM
Re: That's the way I roll!!
Originally Posted by CopperNGold
This will set you up for life with one of the most unusual "how I broke my arm" stories ever! I hope you mend quickly and can back to kilting!
Are you kidding? I have had so much fun retelling the story. I have friends in the fire dept that heard the call on the radio. The dispatcher had such a hard time dispatching the call. She could not believe what she heard. I had my choice of two ambulances that had been dispatched to the area. My wife was going to drive me to the hospital when the paramedic came over and told me to get into one of the units. He had to justify haveing both units on scene. The triage nurse thought I was pulling her leg. she was about to throw me out when I explained the whole thing. After I was xrayed, I realized I had the camera that my son had videoed the first run. I pulled it out of my pocket and showed it to the nurse. Next thing I know, the whole ER dept wants to see the video. The paramedic that worked on me first is the facilities mgr where I work. He could not talk about it due to privacy rules. All he could say was that I had an accident. So when I get back to work, the news has gotten around the shop and a lot of rumors were flying. So, I had to tell the story over and over again. 5 months later and I still get a charge out of the story. I pulled the bar stool racer out of the basement, shortened the stool by 4.5 inches and rode it again. 50 feet out and back. Back on the truck. I shook for the next 5 hours.
7th January 12, 09:31 PM
Re: That's the way I roll!!
As a dirt bike racer for years, I can empathize, and I heartily commend the strengh of your spirit, sir. It's really the only choice any man and a half has: You've got to get right back on that bar stool and RIDE!
7th January 12, 10:32 PM
Re: That's the way I roll!!
Originally Posted by Frank McGrath
Are you kidding? I have had so much fun retelling the story. I have friends in the fire dept that heard the call on the radio. The dispatcher had such a hard time dispatching the call. She could not believe what she heard. I had my choice of two ambulances that had been dispatched to the area. My wife was going to drive me to the hospital when the paramedic came over and told me to get into one of the units. He had to justify haveing both units on scene. The triage nurse thought I was pulling her leg. she was about to throw me out when I explained the whole thing. After I was xrayed, I realized I had the camera that my son had videoed the first run. I pulled it out of my pocket and showed it to the nurse. Next thing I know, the whole ER dept wants to see the video. The paramedic that worked on me first is the facilities mgr where I work. He could not talk about it due to privacy rules. All he could say was that I had an accident. So when I get back to work, the news has gotten around the shop and a lot of rumors were flying. So, I had to tell the story over and over again. 5 months later and I still get a charge out of the story. I pulled the bar stool racer out of the basement, shortened the stool by 4.5 inches and rode it again. 50 feet out and back. Back on the truck. I shook for the next 5 hours.
That's pretty epic! LOL. Sometimes the story you get to tell makes an injury actually worth it! In this case, I think you got a bargain! LOL
6th January 12, 11:36 AM
Re: That's the way I roll!!
When I went to the orthopod to get a work release, I wore the kilt. The nurses went gaga about it. The doctor asked me what on earth I was wearing.
6th January 12, 12:11 PM
Re: That's the way I roll!!
That. Is. Fawesome! Too bad there's no video of the accident--not that I'm happy to see you get hurt, it just could have made you a boatload of money as a PSA against drunk driving.
Glad you're better!
Mister McGoo
A Kilted Lebowski--Taking it easy so you don't have to.
6th January 12, 12:33 PM
Re: That's the way I roll!!
I want to have a go... Wi a pint in one hand
Great vid.
6th January 12, 07:46 PM
Re: That's the way I roll!!
That is truly impressive. I oft times have trouble keeping from falling off my bar stool too, but mine does not have wheels and a motor on it, which makes your accomplishment even more impressive. Hope your arm is healed back to normal functional status and that you are back kilted again.
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