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  1. #1
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    Fly plaid in action


    So, following the advice of folks here, I decided to keep the new Bruce fly plaid I purchased (even though the tartan "size" is not exactly the same as my kilt):


    Here is the new fly plaid in action last Saturday at the Cape Cod St. Pat's parade:

    Whattya think of the plaid? Before you poo poo the uniform, I KNOW it is not a proper regimental outfit. Notice, however, we have a more "loose" impression.

    Thanks for looking.

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  2. #2
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    Re: Fly plaid in action

    I can't remember if I commented on your original thread, but I remember it. I still think the larger sett adds to rather than detracts from the entire thing. Good choice to stick with it, methinks.

    Looks like you and your lads had fun!
    Mister McGoo

    A Kilted Lebowski--Taking it easy so you don't have to.

  3. #3
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    Re: Fly plaid in action

    The assorted fellows look well, plaid looks good... I hope the barefooted fellow didn't step on any broken bottles or you didn't follow any elephants in the parade, for his sake.


  4. #4
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    Re: Fly plaid in action

    I think the plaid is fine and in the context of the band as a whole I think the outfit works well. If I may-----this is not a criticism, but a thought for you to ponder over-----have you tried raising the kilt up to at least mid knee cap height? I know kilts have a habit of moving South whilst marching and might not have started out like it is in the picture, but-----. Anyway, you may find your whole outfit will be far more striking with the kilt worn higher. Oh by the way, a smart salute, well done. My old drill instructor, long gone now, would approve.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

  5. #5
    davidg is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Re: Fly plaid in action

    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    If I may-----this is not a criticism, but a thought for you to ponder over-----have you tried raising the kilt up to at least mid knee cap height? I know kilts have a habit of moving South whilst marching and might not have started out like it is in the picture, but-----.
    Apart from camera angle being slightly above and looking down if you take in the arc of the front leg, which is at its extreme forward swing and the arc of the rear leg at its extreme rear swing the kilt MAY be at its correct height. It's difficult to tell for sure unless both feet are together and stationary and the camera angle is horizontal at knee level

    On the other hand, Jock may be right and hitching the kilt higher certainly wouldn't hurt any, perhaps to top of knee cap

  6. #6
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    Re: Fly plaid in action

    As an old retired sailor, it does my heart good to see good seafaring men on parade (not our strong suit). As to the sett difference, I don't see any problem. Because it's the same tartan, it works fine for me.

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    Re: Fly plaid in action

    Quote Originally Posted by davidg View Post
    Apart from camera angle being slightly above and looking down if you take in the arc of the front leg, which is at its extreme forward swing and the arc of the rear leg at its extreme rear swing the kilt MAY be at its correct height. It's difficult to tell for sure unless both feet are together and stationary and the camera angle is horizontal at knee level

    On the other hand, Jock may be right and hitching the kilt higher certainly wouldn't hurt any, perhaps to top of knee cap
    Jock is usually right when it comes to these matters! Hitching the kilt higher helps to guard against the vagaries of camera angle and motion. Showing a bit more knee, regardless of how bonnie or knobbly, just gives the whole look more swagger, more flavour, more polish. That, and the ladies prefer it

    I aim for the hem to hit about the top of my knee.
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  8. #8
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    Re: Fly plaid in action

    Quote Originally Posted by davidg View Post
    Apart from camera angle being slightly above and looking down if you take in the arc of the front leg, which is at its extreme forward swing and the arc of the rear leg at its extreme rear swing the kilt MAY be at its correct height. It's difficult to tell for sure unless both feet are together and stationary and the camera angle is horizontal at knee level

    On the other hand, Jock may be right and hitching the kilt higher certainly wouldn't hurt any, perhaps to top of knee cap
    Is this better??

    [FONT="Times New Roman"]"It's a bifercated world, unless kilts vote!."[/FONT]

  9. #9
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    Yeah. Now you're talking!

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  10. #10
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    Re: Fly plaid in action

    Quote Originally Posted by KiltedMariner View Post
    Is this better??

    Well, it's a start! I think you would agree that it does look better, but we can improve on that perhaps? When I first mentioned all this to you I suggested AT LEAST to the centre of the knee cap and it was suggested by others, the top of the knee cap and I absolutely agree that is the ideal height for the kilt to look at its best. One needs really to be stood almost to attention to judge kilt height properly though. So a spot of testing over a period of time, might be an idea for you to find a height that you are naturally at ease with and then you will cease to worry and one does not need to get obsessed about all this anyway.

    I find that after six decades (I might be in the seventh now!) I put my kilt on without thinking about all this height stuff and sometimes I notice, a reflection in a shop window perhaps, it has gone on a tad longer/shorter than I normally have it, but about top of the knee cap does look best, I think.

    I think the whole band looks smashing, by the way.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 14th March 12 at 11:33 PM.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

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