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  1. #1
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    GGGP pointed out to me, in *The English Patient*

    ....in the *extremely* steamy "Christmas Party Scene" there's a piper, in a kilt, playing a Christmas Carol in the middle of the Officers mess.

    Which now that I think of it, is pretty unlikely because I don't think that particular carol sits in a key that's very easily played on the pipes. "Silent Night".

    There's a clip on YouTube of this scene, if you really want to see it. I won't post it here as, well. ..Hm. It's not maybe exactly what you want your five year old watching, and this is a family friendly site. But it's a good scene, for what it is.

  2. #2
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    It can be done although not precisely as written by the original composer, but not because of the key, more because of the limited range of the bagpipes compared to that needed for proper full expression of the composer's Silent Night (Stille Nacht). See discussion here:


    There are lots of examples of bagpipe arrangements of Silent Night littering YouTube and other sites as well as many christmas albums. Just search "slient night" bagpipes on google for a list that (pardon the pun) drones on seemingly endlessly.

    On an interesting sidenote, Beethoven once composed a piano sonata that included a low E note that did not exist on pianos of his time (it was below their available range as they had less than the current 88 keys), thus helping create a driving force for further development of the instrument he called the piano-forte'. However as it was not technically playable in his time, accurate pianists of his day altered the low E (which was part of a multinote harmony) into a lonely single E one octave higher during performances. Only on modern pianos is the true and full expression of that low E chord near the finish of the sonata section satisfyingly portrayed.
    Last edited by ForresterModern; 27th March 12 at 06:30 PM.

  3. #3
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    I hadn't seen this film in a few years and it was on the other night. It was the *FIRST* time I recall noticing the piper.
    Ralph Fiennes is rather intense in that film.

  4. #4
    TurboKittie is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    I have never seen the film, because honestly it seems a little too much like a film as opposed to movie which is more my taste.

    But this thread did make me wonder, given how many women appreciate seeing a man in a kilt, if there were any movies of a more adult or mature nature that featured men wearing kilts. A quick search lead me to one, called Scottish Loveknot, (which I have ordered in order to view it and report back here only. I promise) but it does make me think there may be an untapped market someone is missing out on.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by TurboKittie View Post
    it seems a little too much like a film as opposed to movie which is more my taste.
    I wasn't aware there was a difference between the two??

  6. #6
    TurboKittie is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blackrose87 View Post
    I wasn't aware there was a difference between the two??
    It's more a personal distinction. While technically they are one in the same thing, usually the important stories are considered a film. Films are usually the ones nominated for the prestigious awards, whereas movies are funny or filled with action and don't require a major investment of thought on my part.

    For instance, The King's Speech is a film, whereas Shaun Of The Dead is a movie.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by TurboKittie View Post
    It's more a personal distinction. While technically they are one in the same thing, usually the important stories are considered a film. Films are usually the ones nominated for the prestigious awards, whereas movies are funny or filled with action and don't require a major investment of thought on my part.

    For instance, The King's Speech is a film, whereas Shaun Of The Dead is a movie.
    I suppose that's kinda right actually, never thought about it like that before.

    Although come to think of it, I probably would be more likely to associate the word movie with a big budget American blockbuster or something.
    I guess the word 'movie' isn't used as much here though.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by TurboKittie View Post
    I have never seen the film, because honestly it seems a little too much like a film as opposed to movie which is more my taste.

    But this thread did make me wonder, given how many women appreciate seeing a man in a kilt, if there were any movies of a more adult or mature nature that featured men wearing kilts. A quick search lead me to one, called Scottish Loveknot, (which I have ordered in order to view it and report back here only. I promise) but it does make me think there may be an untapped market someone is missing out on.
    LOL, movies? I don't know. Cheesy romance novels? Plenty.

  9. #9
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    I'll be darned. After a few runthroughs it does become possible to see that there's a piper.
    "It's all the same to me, war or peace,
    I'm killed in the war or hung during peace."

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by TurboKittie View Post
    I have never seen the film, because honestly it seems a little too much like a film as opposed to movie which is more my taste.

    But this thread did make me wonder, given how many women appreciate seeing a man in a kilt, if there were any movies of a more adult or mature nature that featured men wearing kilts. A quick search lead me to one, called Scottish Loveknot, (which I have ordered in order to view it and report back here only. I promise) but it does make me think there may be an untapped market someone is missing out on.
    It's not untapped. Tip toeing around blue movie sites, *accidentally* searching for kilted men may bring you more than you bargoned for.

    ...so I've heard.

    Just a word of warning.

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