After spending a lot of time reading through this forum and browsing other sources. I have finally decided what type of kilt I would like to purchase for my first kilt, A phillabeg. The idea of making my own pleats everyday is very appealing to me. As I was browsing the internet I stumbled upon this video on youtube
The guy in this video uses two belts to hold his kilt together, this seems like a good idea for me as I have a very active life stlye and do a LOT of hiking and camping etc. plus the second belt (regular kilt belt) will help cover some of the over drape which is an appealing idea to me as well.
I have been looking everywhere trying to find something like the first belt he puts on in the video. So my question is does anyone know where I can find a belt like that? Opinions on whether using two belts is a good idea or not would also be appreciated