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  1. #1
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    Question Kilt sizing for the larger stomach?

    A friend of ours wants to secretly buy her husband a kilt. However she (and I) am unsure of what is the 'best' size to get. The kilt will be a relatively cheap 2nd hand kilt from ebay as a starter kilt to get him in the kilt mood

    What I am unsure of is the waist size for the kilt as he has a large stomach, 46", but his trouser size is 38-40". Should I look for a kilt which is close to his true waist size (46") so that the kilt will go around the stomach or should I look for a kilt which is a bit smaller so it can be worn lower and the stomach sit a bit on the top of the kilt?

    Appreciate your advice

  2. #2
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    For a traditional kilt definitely use the actual true waist measurement.

  3. #3
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    Measure around the waist at the belly button. This is the waist measurement. Also, measure around the buttocks at the largest point, as you will need this, too. Finally, measure from the true waist (belly button height) directly above the knee down to the middle of the knee. This is the length needed. If you are truly trying to be surreptitious and cannot measure length, then guess it at about 23" as a fairly "middle of the road" measurement.

  4. #4
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    Thanks for the replies. Yes kind of trying to do it secretly as it is a surprise present, although not intending to spend a vast sum on the kilt.

    I really wasnt sure how the kilt is comfortably worn by those with a more ample stomach

    I do know how to measure for a kilt, at least for myself, so I think we'll get the sizes fairly close........although this is not so easy when it is supposed to be a surprise

  5. #5
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    While I've seen men with ample bellies wearing their kilts below the belly, I think it looks flat ridiculous. Wearing it correctly is even more important for the portly gentleman than it is for those who are in shape, IMHO. I think it hangs better, and looks much better when worn correctly.

  6. #6
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    Having had a kilt built (rhymes, doesn't it!) just before I lost weight, the secret was particularly the belly measurement. My marvellous kiltmaker then formed it more like a cylinder with no taper. Fit me perfectly then. He's since moved the straps (rather accutely) now that I have hips for the first time since before I was married 40 years ago, and once again... it fits!
    Rev'd Father Bill White: Mostly retired Parish Priest & former Elementary Headmaster. Lover of God, dogs, most people, joy, tradition, humour & clarity. Legion Padre, theologian, teacher, philosopher, linguist, encourager of hearts & souls & a firm believer in dignity, decency, & duty. A proud Canadian Sinclair with solid Welsh and other heritage.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Father Bill View Post
    Having had a kilt built (rhymes, doesn't it!) just before I lost weight, the secret was particularly the belly measurement. My marvellous kiltmaker then formed it more like a cylinder with no taper. Fit me perfectly then. He's since moved the straps (rather accutely) now that I have hips for the first time since before I was married 40 years ago, and once again... it fits!
    Exactly! Take the waist measurement and NEVER make the hips smaller than that. If he has a larger gluteous make it even a little more. I have 42 inches at the waist and make my kilt 44 at the hips, it hangs much better. BTW I add the 2 inches in the aprons - works perfectly and no trouble with the plaets!

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  8. #8
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    And a man with an ample stomach and a properly fitting kilt worn at the waist (not below the belly) actually looks much trimmer than when wearing trousers.
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  9. #9
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    There is no better example than a bunch of Boy Scout leaders. We tend to be on the large size. If you are as big as the gentleman on the right You would have to wear it rather high. As you can see the gentleman on the left has his pushed down. Myself on the other hand, I simply can not wear a kilt at the naval. If I take a deep breath it will fall off. Those soft love handles are very tender and it is very uncomfortable to synch a belt around them So I wear mine at the hips. There are plenty of skinny kilt wearers who think I am wearing it wrong. Oh well It's my kilt I’ll wear it the way it is the most comfortable for me.
    Last edited by Matty Ross; 1st July 12 at 05:39 PM.
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  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Thanks for the replies

    Bought a 2nd hand wool kilt today in a 44/46" waist, 24" long from ebay so hopefully that should be a nice fit for our friend

    Also a very nice looking seal skin sporran for £30 which should be perfect for any formal occasions he attends

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