6th December 12, 05:59 AM
Trump v. Forbes...it's back on!
6th December 12, 07:29 AM
I think I will vote with my wallet and go out and by a bottle of Glenfiddich ...
6th December 12, 07:55 AM
I was just thinkin'....I'll probably go to the Duke this Saturday, order a Glenfiddich and offer a toast that goes something like, "F--- the Donald!".
6th December 12, 08:35 AM
This was on BBC news yesterday.
Trump is a laughing stock here in Scotland, nobody takes him seriously any more, he has more money than common sense and it seems he is incapable of ever accepting that he is not always the one who knows best.
Sadly for our perception of our saner American dispora, Trump creates a very negative impression of the arrogant American with a Scottish ancestor through his silly pontifications on how he thinks he is an expert on subjects such as tourism, renewable energy, the whisky industry, media competitions etc and how he would tell us to run things his way here in Scotland.
Last edited by cessna152towser; 6th December 12 at 08:38 AM.
Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.
6th December 12, 08:37 AM
In other words, pretty much the way he is seen by a great number of Americans!
 Originally Posted by cessna152towser
This was on BBC news yesterday.
Trump is a laughing stock here in Scotland, nobody takes him seriously any more, he is just a stupid idiot who can never accept that he is not always the one who knows best.
Sadly for our perception of our saner American dispora, Trump creates a very negative impression of the arrogant American with a Scottish ancestor through his stupid pontifications on how he thinks he is an expert on subjects such as tourism, renewable energy, the whisky industry, media competitions etc and how he would tell us to run things differently here in Scotland.
Proudly Duncan [maternal], MacDonald and MacDaniel [paternal].
6th December 12, 09:46 AM
Please, please, please do not equate all Americans with this a**
proud U.S. Navy vet
Creag ab Sgairbh
6th December 12, 11:46 AM
 Originally Posted by cessna152towser
This was on BBC news yesterday.
Trump is a laughing stock here in Scotland, nobody takes him seriously any more
This may surprise you, but he is pretty much seen like that here in the US too. I honestly think the man has developed some sort of mental issues, or a chemical imbalance, or something else that would explain his odd and irrational behaviour. He does and says wildly inappropriate things, which is a hallmark of psychological issues. I actually feel a little sorry for him, as I'm fairly confident he is not receiving any treatment by a professional. It's much easier just to think he's a rich spoiled jerk with an overinflated ego and leave it at that.
But, having said that, the man made his fortune by knowing how to do business. He may not know what he's talking about on every subject, and his ideas may seem "silly" in Scotland, but he's obviously no chump when it comes to knowing how to make a business successful. I do not know enough about the current issues for him in Scotland to even hazard a guess as to what he's saying makes any sense there, but I just thought it's worth pointing out that when you put aside his rudeness and borderline-insane mannerism, the man might actually have something to say about business that's worth listening to. But I suspect that most people will be unable to see past his personality. Keep in mind also that even if he personally does not have good ideas, he is the head of a business empire that employs some of the best in the business at what they do. Scottish businessmen would do well to at least have a listen, rather than reject it outright. Alas, though, in the interest of not being an "Ugly American" myself, I point out that it's really none of my business. I'm just making observations.
6th December 12, 01:35 PM
I reposted this on Facebook. Shame on Trump. Many Americans feel the same way about him that our Scottish cousins seem to feel.
The Official [BREN]
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