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    Pros and Cons of Montrose ans Sheriffmuir coatees?

    There have been a few threads on here lately about black and white tie dress, as well as other recent stimuli (Burns Night celebrations, etc.), that have got me considering either a Montrose or Sheriffmuir doublet. Everything I've read seems to put the two styles of jacket on equal levels of formality.

    Can those of you who own either a Montrose or Sheriffmuir speak to the pros and cons of each style? I am not of slim build (see my avatar, or the photos in my profile)... would one style look better on my frame than the other?

    What other considerations should I take into account when deciding between the two styles?
    Last edited by unixken; 3rd February 13 at 06:54 AM.
    Clan Buchanan
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  2. #2
    Phil is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    I like the Sheriffmuir for a number of reasons:-

    1) It is an open jacket and can accommodate an expanding waistline
    2) Because it is open it is a cooler jacket to wear
    3) I find it can suit various occasions from
    Very formal

    to quite informal

    The Montrose doublet is an altogether more unforgiving garment, it is not worn unbuttoned and can be very hot to wear. It does look good though -

    Sadly I have now outgrown it and it languishes unworn in my wardrobe

  3. #3
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    Hi Ken,

    I own a Sheriffmuir and a stomach.

    I believe that the Sherriffmuir has some advantages over the Montrose -

    - It is more forgiving for those of us of a fuller figure. It is designed to hang open at the front, so an extra inch (or two) is not noticeable.

    - Heat dissipation. Because it is open fronted, it allows the wearer to stay cooler, without having to look sloppy. The Montrose stays buttoned up, or looks terrible.

    - Matching waistcoat or Contrasting. Far more choice available to the wearer. Bright, sombre, matching, tartan cut on the bias - all could change the look.

    - Take off your jacket. If the Sheriffmuir is removed, the wearer is still wearing a shirt (with tie or jabot) and a waistcoat. Many Montrose wearers, wear only a tee shirt under the jacket in an effort to keep cool.

    - Civilian versus Military. I think that the Sheriffmuir looks like a civilian jacket, whereas the Montrose has a definite military look.

    - Sash of an Order. If the Sash of an Order is worn at a white tie event it can still be worn under the jacket like its coat-tailed brothers. I do not think it would look right with a Montrose.



  4. #4
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    And what would be the comments of our Scottish traditionalists on either one... with a clerical collar? I'm wondering about something more formal than my black barathea Argyle (square silver buttons & braided epaulettes).
    Rev'd Father Bill White: Mostly retired Parish Priest & former Elementary Headmaster. Lover of God, dogs, most people, joy, tradition, humour & clarity. Legion Padre, theologian, teacher, philosopher, linguist, encourager of hearts & souls & a firm believer in dignity, decency, & duty. A proud Canadian Sinclair with solid Welsh and other heritage.

  5. #5
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    I have a Sheriffmuir and think it is a quite dashing garment for the few times a year I need to look formal. I absolutely love the looks of the Montrose doublet but would have to say that is the sort of garment that is going to look best on a trim figure. I suspect the Sheriffmuir would be a better choice for you.


    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

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  6. #6
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    I believe you would find the sheriffmuir a more comfortable garment. The montrose seems to be better suited to a more athletic body.
    Commissioner of Clan Strachan, Central United States.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Father Bill View Post
    And what would be the comments of our Scottish traditionalists on either one... with a clerical collar? I'm wondering about something more formal than my black barathea Argyle (square silver buttons & braided epaulettes).
    I'm not Scottish, but I do consider myself a traditionalist, uneducated though I may be on the subtleties of Highland dress. All the same, I can't think of a reason one shouldn't wear a clerical collar with a Sheriffmuir or Montrose doublet - in fact, I think it would look quite nice.

    With a clerical collar I would probably go with a solid black waistcoat (or a gilet) with the Sheriffmuir rather than something coloured or in tartan.
    Last edited by Cygnus; 3rd February 13 at 10:54 AM.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Father Bill View Post
    And what would be the comments of our Scottish traditionalists on either one... with a clerical collar? I'm wondering about something more formal than my black barathea Argyle (square silver buttons & braided epaulettes).
    Hi Bill. I would imagine that either would work with a clerical collar ( and preaching tabs or lace jabot). Both jackets have the same notched type of clear that I have on my rabat, which I wear to conduct worship each week. Personally, I would tend toward the Montrose, and think a collar would look most apropos.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Father Bill View Post
    And what would be the comments of our Scottish traditionalists on either one... with a clerical collar? I'm wondering about something more formal than my black barathea Argyle (square silver buttons & braided epaulettes).
    With either I would suggest preaching banns rather than a Roman collar. (You might also want to consider cloth covered buttons, as well.)
    Last edited by MacMillan of Rathdown; 3rd February 13 at 01:36 PM.
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  10. #10
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    The potential problem if you wear a clerical collar with a Montrose is that the seam in the middle of the notched collar (normally covered by a jabot) will be exposed. Preaching bands, unless they are unbifurcated, will not cover that seam. No such problem with the Sheriffmuir however.
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