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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Casual Southern California Wedding

    I'll be attending a casual afternoon wedding here in Southern California in June. I'd like to wear a kilt because it seems comfortable & fun, and the bride has requested that the guests wear shades of green & blue. I'm a member of Clan Campbell, so needless to say, the Campbell Ancient tartan should fit right in. Full Disclosure: I'm not an experienced kilt wearer, I don't wear kilts everyday like many on this forum, and I don't have very many kilt accessories. As a matter of fact, at the moment, I have only 1 kilt - it is a USAK Casual in the Clan Campbell tartan. It's wonderful & I've worn it to compete in Highland Games, to festivals & out on St. Patrick's day, and maybe 1 other time to a pub. But I've never dressed it up with anything more formal than a t-shirt.

    I've been lurking on xmarks for a couple of years, and it seems to me that kilts are easy to dress for the pub (t-shirt), easy to dress for formal events (duh!) & easy to wear when its cold & casual (just throw on a sweater). But my novice & inexperienced opinion is that dressing in a kilt for a casual event outdoors where its warm it a more difficult to pull off. People are very casual in Southern California beach communities. The attire at the wedding will probably be a mixture of khaki's or slacks with Polo shirts or Tommy Bahama shirts. I've seen the pictures of Hawaiian shirts with kilts - and that's just not going to work for me. I've tried polo shirts with my kilt before & the way the material gathers just makes it look a little sloppy with a traditional, high-wasted kilt, in my humble opinion.

    So....my plan is to try to find a short sleeve shirt that is a bit more fitted so it will tuck-in properly, without gathering about the waist in a messy way.

    There are also a few things I'm planning to do to "upgrade" the look of the outfit.

    1) I'm planning on getting a new kilt: 5-yard, 16-oz wool, Campbell Ancient tartan. That's going to upgrade my look considerably over the Casual Kilt I have today.
    2) I'll wear some type of brown or black dress shoe most likely. But not Gillies, I think that's too formal for this event.
    3) I currently own a simple, black Day Sporran - I'll probably get a new sporran as well. Haven't decided whether to go with a Day Sporran, Semi-Formal or Hunting... Any opinions on this would be appreciated. The guiding factor would be I want something different than what I have today but also something that I can get a lot of use out of & wear to different types of events. I've been drooling over Artificer's sporrans....hopefully I can squeeze one into the budget...it will be tough.

    The good news is that I have 5 months to pull my first "Real" kilt outfit together. Anyone have thoughts or opinions on my approach so far? Am I over-thinking things? Yes, probably

    Thanks in Advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Sounds good to me, a nice short sleeve shirt is all you need for warm weather casual.

    Order of the Dandelion, The Houston Area Kilt Society, Bald Rabble in Kilts, Kilted Texas Rabble Rousers, The Flatcap Confederation, Kilted Playtron Group.
    "If you’re going to talk the talk, you’ve got to walk the walk"

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    As far as ghillie brogues go, unless you're in a 'pipe band where they are part of the uniform, you'd do well to never buy them.

    When given a choice, most people will choose.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    I enjoy my ghillie brogues, but only for a formal fuction. I think a simple pair of wing tips works just fine, I think also spice it up a bit and wear grey ones over black or brown during the day.
    Cheers, Wil

  5. #5
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    I just found out the wedding is going to be at 6pm. So it will be a bit more formal than I thought. So with the new info, I think a jacket will work fine. Now I just need a jacket

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    With that in mind I would say look first at Ex Hire Argyle (or Argyll) jacket. You don't need a vest if it's going to be warm as June. You can search and should find some great prices. Ebay for Ex Hire is also a good choice, maybe a little less predicatable but still good.

    If you can't find what you need there is still time to order one from the shops on the site. There have been plenty of review here and the sites that say the make great jackets. I'll be pressing to get an Argyll jacket myself a soon as some pressing bills are paid... any a kilt or two are scratched off.

    Good luck.


  7. #7
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    Sounds like you have most of your outfit decided. You mentioned wanting a short sleeve shirt, I don't know how it would look but you can find or have tailored a short sleeve dress shirt. My father did that for two shirts he wore at my cousin and my own wedding, mind you he was wearing a suitcoat over it.

    As for the sporran, a semi-formal would fit the feel of the event just fine. If you'd like one that is more fitting for a wider range you can look at a hunting sporran. They are often able to be worn from casual all the way to formal. Not always but many times they can be worn for more formal events. I know Artificer makes some nice looking hunting sporrans, I only wish I has the money for one.

    Last bit don't for get a nice pair of flashes and hose to help pull everything together.


  8. #8
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    Thanks for the replies! I like the pic with the short sleeve shirt - thank you!

    And I agree on the Ghillie Brogues...

    Yes tailoring a shirt is probably a fantastic idea. I have broad shoulders & a relatively small waist, so most shirts don't fit correctly out of the box.

    As far as flashes & hose; yes, I'm planning to get some nice light-blue hose & wool tartan flashes I guess. Not sure where to get nice hose & flashes, any suggestions?

    The more I think about it, the more I'm jonesing to get this put together Thanks again for the replies!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by eclarkhb View Post
    Not sure where to get nice hose & flashes, any suggestions?
    I just found http://www.scottishkilthose.com/ ...... wow!

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    If you already have a day sporran, save your money and use it. If it is a casual event, you will be fine with the sporran you have. Personally, I do not care for the semi-dress sporrans. They never look correct to my eye. A plain leather sporran ought to work for nearly anything that is not specifically formal.

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