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  1. #1
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    Kilt/Tartan Help

    Hello All,

    As a newbie to the wearing of the kilt I am quite keen on the idea and find it very enjoyable. My wife likes it as well as one of our sons when we pull them out and wear them together.
    This is my concearn and question. I never want to wear my kilt as if it is a "fancy dress"/costume, I want everything to be correct and in it's proper place. At this time I only own 1 kilt a McFarlane Hunting Tartan, I have run across a few well priced pre~owned kilts that are not my family's tartan. I would like to purchase them but I never would want someone to walk up to me and say, Are you a Hughes? At which I would say, "No I am a McFarlane." So you get the question? Should I wear another tartan or follow my grandmother's once advice..... "I would never be caught dead in that."
    Cheers, Wil

  2. #2
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    I doubt if anyone would ever know. Even kilt wearers struggle to name more than half a dozen tartans. Even if they did they would assume you have the right to wear it, which you do, as there are very few "restricted" tartans. The most notable of these is the Balmoral tartan which is for the Royal household.

    What I would say is wear what you want, there are no kilt police. However out of respect to the Clan learn a little of its history so if, on the very slight chance you do get asked why you are wearing a McMartian tartan, you could say that you are wearing it to honour the fallen in the first battle of the Venus wars.
    Friends stay in touch on FB simon Taylor-dando
    Best regards

  3. #3
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    There are many readily available, inexpensive kilts in so-called "universal" tartans, i.e. Black Watch, Royal Stewart, Scotland's National, Isle of Skye, and on and on.
    Respect for clan tartans and the people associated with them need not be expensive, although it might require a little patience and effort.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by David Thorpe View Post
    There are many readily available, inexpensive kilts in so-called "universal" tartans, i.e. Black Watch, Royal Stewart, Scotland's National, Isle of Skye, and on and on.
    Respect for clan tartans and the people associated with them need not be expensive, although it might require a little patience and effort.

    I understand that the availablity of "universal"tartans are out and about. I was asking about proper protcol on me seeing a kilt at a shop and wasn't a McFarlane or Shaw (my two family's)tartans and wearing it.......
    Cheers, Wil

  5. #5
    Paul Henry is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    There isn't really any "protocol" involved, some people choose to only wear one clan tartan, some people choose to wear a selection of family related tartans,and some wear what they choose because of colour/design/availability. So the answer is really only down to you and how you feel about it. If you find something that you like it's a good idea to find out a little about the tartan concerned, but frankly over the last 8 years of wearing different kilts I have yet to be questioned in any way other than the name of the tartan, so I don't think that you will have much of a problem with whatever you find.I would think if a fellow clan member see you wearing his family one , he is much more likely to be pleased than offended!

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by paulhenry View Post
    There isn't really any "protocol" involved, some people choose to only wear one clan tartan, some people choose to wear a selection of family related tartans,and some wear what they choose because of colour/design/availability. So the answer is really only down to you and how you feel about it. If you find something that you like it's a good idea to find out a little about the tartan concerned, but frankly over the last 8 years of wearing different kilts I have yet to be questioned in any way other than the name of the tartan, so I don't think that you will have much of a problem with whatever you find.I would think if a fellow clan member see you wearing his family one , he is much more likely to be pleased than offended!
    + 1. 100% agreed.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by paulhenry View Post
    There isn't really any "protocol" involved, some people choose to only wear one clan tartan, some people choose to wear a selection of family related tartans,and some wear what they choose because of colour/design/availability. So the answer is really only down to you and how you feel about it. If you find something that you like it's a good idea to find out a little about the tartan concerned, but frankly over the last 8 years of wearing different kilts I have yet to be questioned in any way other than the name of the tartan, so I don't think that you will have much of a problem with whatever you find.I would think if a fellow clan member see you wearing his family one , he is much more likely to be pleased than offended!

    GREAT! I guess that is really what I was "affraid" of that I might have over looked "protocol" and I might wear or do something to tick someone off.
    I have never been offended when I see someone wearing a McFarlane or Shaw tartan that isn't. So I guess I just needed the reassurance. Thanks Guys....
    Cheers, Wil

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    Quote Originally Posted by paulhenry View Post
    There isn't really any "protocol" involved, some people choose to only wear one clan tartan, some people choose to wear a selection of family related tartans,and some wear what they choose because of colour/design/availability. So the answer is really only down to you and how you feel about it. If you find something that you like it's a good idea to find out a little about the tartan concerned, but frankly over the last 8 years of wearing different kilts I have yet to be questioned in any way other than the name of the tartan, so I don't think that you will have much of a problem with whatever you find.I would think if a fellow clan member see you wearing his family one , he is much more likely to be pleased than offended!

    I agree completely, Paul...well said!


  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wil View Post
    I understand that the availablity of "universal"tartans are out and about. I was asking about proper protcol on me seeing a kilt at a shop and wasn't a McFarlane or Shaw (my two family's)tartans and wearing it.......
    I understood the question and assumed, perhaps erroneously, that the reason you were looking at used kilts at a shop was a matter either of expense or urgency. That was the reason for the wording of my reply.

    This topic has been a dead horse for quite some time now on this forum. The horse is an early, now extinct species. What we are beating here yet again is no more than fossilized bones reduced to dust.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by David Thorpe View Post
    I understood the question and assumed, perhaps erroneously, that the reason you were looking at used kilts at a shop was a matter either of expense or urgency. That was the reason for the wording of my reply.

    This topic has been a dead horse for quite some time now on this forum. The horse is an early, now extinct species. What we are beating here yet again is no more than fossilized bones reduced to dust.
    I want a new kilt, I guess you could say I have a "itch". I just happened to see one that was used and in my size, it was Rose tartan (I think) and I thought it was nice. That is what put the thought into my head. Could/Should you wear it, I couldn't tell you 100% that I thought wearing a family tartan that wasn't your own was ok (or I would have purchased it straight away). Nor could I tell you 100% that it was ok..... This is where the question came from.
    I asked a cousin in Aberdeen but he is on holiday so he has yet to get back with me about it. So that is why I asked you guys, knowing I would get both sides (pros/cons) and knowing that someone would get "miffed" (lucky him I still needed to know. So thank you all......
    I am a MacFarlane & a Shaw all of these tartans are great and I have my answer..........
    Cheers, Wil

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