Hi all, I've been playing with some software and made up a few Maxwell Crest rings all are set to size 10:
Now I have no stake in these rings, there is a free software that allows you to put a b&w image on the face of a basic ring.
The software company owns the ring design and profits from its sales, not by much maybe 30% of the cost. But the materials available allow for metal rings to be made.
I plan on getting a copy of the first one in plastic to see how it turns out then probably a stainless version in bronze finish if its nice. I've used the service to print a few other rings and stuff in stainless and silver and they turn out great.
I made others but wasn't a fan of the way they turned out.
Here is the free online software to play with your own:
Post if you order before I do. I'd love to see these if they work for you.