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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Smile Strap extensions... A wee bit of help needed

    Has anyone have any advice on the straps for gaining a couple inches in the waist of a kilt? I have found an older kilt in my families tartan, the drop is just the right length but the waist is two inches too small. Should I but some $20 extenders, or is that a bad idea. I'm tempted to pick it up just for the 8yrds of Scottish wool and take my time and pull all the stitches out. What say the rabble???

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    My weight tends to fluctuate by a few pounds of winter weight, and I've used an extension strap with good success to accommodate a couple inches that will come off as the warmer months increase my activity levels. For short-term use, and for no increase too extreme, I'd endorse them. But if you're more than a couple inches off the mark, or you're talking about a more or less permanent situation, I'd consider having the kilt re-worked. (Though I don't know what kinds of construction/reconstruction headaches that may present for the kiltmaker.)
    Last edited by unixken; 6th March 13 at 03:32 PM.
    Clan Buchanan
    U.S. Coast Guard, Retired
    Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, USA

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Have you actually tried it on, or is it the measurement given by the seller?

    If it really is just two inches then extenders to the straps would solve the problem easily, possibly you might even find that you can make another hole in the actual straps to have it fit.

    If it really is altogether too small then I'm afraid that taking it apart should be difficult because there ought to be a firm reinforcement in the back to prevent the pleats being put under strain, onto which the backs of the pleats are sewn. That should be under a lining so it is smooth on the skin.

    You might also find that the fabric in the fell has been cut away to reduce the bulk, though if each pleat is altered a fraction gaining several inches should not be too difficult.

    Taking something apart and then remaking it is going to take significantly more time than making it from scratch - and you do need to be careful not to cut the fabric rather than the stitching. A moment's intention and you have a cut or a tear. Once taken apart you would need to find suitable materials to remake the backing, shape it and fix it - it would almost be worth going on a diet to shrink into it than remake a kilt.

    Anne the Pleater :ootd:

  4. #4
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    On a skinny summer 33", but as I'm fairly thin already, there's no way I'm getting into a 32". I don't think I'm nearly skilled enough to rework a kilt. I've made a couple x-kilts and that's about all the sewing skills I can muster. Maybe buy it try the extensions, worse comes to worse I've got 8yrds of tartan.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Can you just move the straps (unstitch them from the kilt, reposition them where you want them, and sew reattach them), or do you really need longer straps?

    When given a choice, most people will choose.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by piperdbh View Post
    Can you just move the straps (unstitch them from the kilt, reposition them where you want them, and sew reattach them), or do you really need longer straps?
    That won't work, piper - he needs to extend the length, not reduce it.

    Dave - I've used extenders before. They do what they are supposed to do. I would pay the money and use them.



  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Winfield, MO (originally from NE Scotland)
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    I could ask the question... How much is the kilt? $20 to make a $100 kilt wearable is a bargain... $20 on a $300 kilt, not so much so...

    I use one one my first kilt... With a single strap it's easily hidden with a belt...

    If you buy some make sure you get the right width... If you're only after an inch moving the buckles would be a good long term solution, or perhaps taking some of the extra from the reverse pleat might be possible (the one that I use the extender on has about 8-inches to spare, gotta love frugal scottish kilt makers planning for the future...)
    Last edited by madmacs; 6th March 13 at 07:14 PM.


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