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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Canadians in Kilts

    I've observed in the various forums that there seems to be a high (per capita) number of Canadian kilt enthusiasts.

    I have always thought that the kilt is an integral part of our Canadian heritage. There are numerous Canadian military regiments and bands that wear kilts as their dress uniform. Here in Toronto several of the police forces have pipe bands that wear kilts.

    Does anyone have any other theories why Canadians seem to be so attracted to kilts?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Re: Canadians in Kilts

    Quote Originally Posted by Chris
    I've observed in the various forums that there seems to be a high (per capita) number of Canadian kilt enthusiasts.

    I have always thought that the kilt is an integral part of our Canadian heritage. There are numerous Canadian military regiments and bands that wear kilts as their dress uniform. Here in Toronto several of the police forces have pipe bands that wear kilts.

    Does anyone have any other theories why Canadians seem to be so attracted to kilts?
    I'm surprised we haven't members from down East. I'm told in Nova Scotia more of the population wear kilts on a regular basis.
    Then of course there is a number of Scottish country dance clubs. I'm president of one but hardly anyone comes out in their kilts for weekly dance nights.
    The leather and hemp Kilt Guy in Stratford, Ontario

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I've heard that Scots are to Canada what the Irish are to America. I know the Scottish side of my family still mostly lives in Canada. That may have something to do with it.

  4. #4
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    The Scots are to Canada what the Scots are to the US, And the IRish are to the US, what the IRsih are in Canada. I think both country's have the same make up and percentage. Heck, the largest highland games is in the US (Grandfather). I think that because we have the Commonwealth past, and a pride in our heritage we show the Scots a bit more. The kilt is a definite symbol of our Scots past, where as most people don't know of any Irish symbols. But it does seem that every St. Paddy's day every one is Irish.We don't have an area like Boston which has really played up the Irish, but we do have the Maritimes which has a lot of Scottish history in today's make up.

    Either way, I've got a maple leaf on my arm and a kilt covering my ****. It's a good day!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I know the Scottish have a great deal to do with Canadian history, from the start. We as Canadians enjoy the fact that we have a great background with many cultures, and that is what has made us what we are today! But I know that we are also a very proud people and enjoy the rigths of our heritage! I think this has something to do with the number of Canadians in Kilts. I for one have a lot of Scotland in my history and I am very proud to display that fact by wear my Kilt! I also wear them because they are so comfortable and free. Freedom is another reason I as a Canadian wear my Kilt, because I am free to do so.
    So every Canadian should wear his Kilt Proudly and with a smile on his face because look where we live, isn't beautiful!

  6. #6
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    I think the Easterners just havent found us yet. They may be so into the kilt thing that they dont realize that we have to form a community elsewhere to express or desire to be kilted. Once they find us it'll be Semper Nova Scotia!

    I went to NS for my honeymoon by the way and it was a beautiful place! I also go to Grandfather every year.

    Beannacht Dé,
    "...it's the ocean following in our veins, cause its the salt thats in our tears..."

  7. #7
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    Celtic / British people have been in this country from very early on. All you have to do is look at an Ontario roadmap as an example. You'll see placenames like Innes Glenn, Fergus, Campbellville, New Scotland, Fraser, Glasgow, MacIntyre, etc.,etc.,etc... An ethnicity still very strongly felt.

  8. #8
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    If I recall correctly, 9 of the 13 colonial Governors and quite a few of the signers of the US Declaration of Independence were Scots

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by bubba
    If I fecall correctly, 9 of the 13 colonial Governors and quite a few of the signers of the US Declaration of Independence were Scots
    A lot of them were Welsh too!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chris
    Quote Originally Posted by bubba
    If I fecall correctly, 9 of the 13 colonial Governors and quite a few of the signers of the US Declaration of Independence were Scots
    A lot of them were Welsh too!
    yeah, including Thomas Jefferson.

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